chapter fourteen

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Armand's pov

Well today is monday and it's 9:30am and I'm still stuck here on the island and, I have been for four week's. My Father has manged somehow to calm the problem for now anyway.

I'm returning to my beloved Storm today, I can't wait, I know we are not a couple yet but, we will be soon. We are close friend's I know that sound's strange but she has been through so much.

Anyway I can't wait to be home with her in Richman(made up name) in England.

I feel cruel as I haven't told her I'm coming home. I phoned her last night just like every night while I have been away and before I hang up I alway's say. " See you soon ".

I have known Storm for two month's, I am also aware that her birthday is in four month's, I intend to make it the best birthday she has ever had.

I'm in my Grandfather's study, I like being in here. I can feel him even though he has gone, he will never be forgotten. I'm speaking with the pilot and sorting out the last of the detail's, when my Father walk's in.

I want to make my feeling's clear that no matter what he says I'm leaving today. " Bonjour Missier, jien ser jutlaq malajr ". ( Hello Father, I will be leaving soon). That should get my message across.

"Bonjour Iben, nistghu nitkellmu qabel ma titlq ". (Hello son, can we talk before you leave ). I hope this isn't one of his delay tactics to make me stay longer.

" Iva Missier x'hemm hazin ". ( Yes Father, what's wrong). I don't know why but, I get a sudden feeling this is to do with Storm.

 " Irrid li inti tghidli dwar dan maltempata girl ". ( I want you to tell me about this girl Storm ).

I was right, he want's to know about Storm. I switch to english in case any of the elder's are in the palace. " What do you want to know about Storm, Father ".

" Tell me what she look's like and what you know of her past ". I sigh, nothing is a secret with my Father. " Okay but she is not what you had in mind ". I know how my Father think's.

Darknite's pov

What does my son mean by that you would think I had high standard's the way he talk's. All I want is for him to find the girl, the prophecy says will control all vampire's and bring peace to our island.

He look's at me from across my Father's desk and says. " She is beautiful, with black shoulder length hair, 5"5 in height and she has the most beautiful green eye's I have every seen ".

The way he has discribed her she fit's the detail's of the prophecy so far but, I feel there is more like her age. The prophecy state's that she will be eighteen in a year, then she can be changed into one of us and for fill her destiny.

" Armand what aren't you telling me ". He stand's and move's away from the desk and over to the window which look's out into the back lawn's and wood's. " Father she is only sixteen at the moment ".

What no, he has gone to early damn and I thought I'd sent him at the right moment. " Armand you can't mate with her it's to soon, you must stay here and return in six month's or so ".

He turn's and look's at me. " No Father, she will be seventeen in four month's and I need to return to her now. There is thing's you don't know ". He look's upset.

I look into his eye's. " Like what son ". I watch as he take's a deep breath, which is strange as we do not need to breathe at all. " Father she harm's her self because she can't cope with what she saw two year's ago ".

Okay I'm confused, what could have happened that would cause , her to do such a thing. " Tell me more son ".

" Father, Storm saw her Mother die, no that's not right, she saw her Mother murdered in front of her eye's ".

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