chapter sixteen

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Storm's pov

Today is Armand's 300th birthday all though Lou and Darren think he is 19 years old today. I know the truth because he trust's me to keep his secret.

I went shopping with Lou yesterday we went and got Armand's  present's. I went with Lou while she got Armand a watch and then Lou got Darren a silver st christopher.

I brought Armand a gold chain with a gold dragon pendent on, I then had our name's engraved on the back.

I don't know why I got it but, I just had this feeling to get it for him.

I got Armand up at at 8 this morning telling him he had to go shopping with Darren. As me and Lou had other thing's to do, he has gone out now.

So now it is time for me and Lou to get to work, first we decorate the lounge with silver and red ballon's, banner's and streamer's.

Lou has also made him a cake, which he will eat to keep the lie alive that he is human when he is in fact a vampire.

We now move on to the gift's she wrap's the watch she has got him. I wrap up the silk shirt and then the pendent. We also write out our birthday card's.

I got him two card's one with boyfriend on it, as I have decide I want to try a relationship with Armand on a friend's base's and see how it goes.

Every thing is now ready, we are just waiting for Armand to come back with Darren.

Armand's pov

I was woken up at 8 this morning by Storm, telling me that I have to go shopping with Darren as her and Lou have something else that need's to be done.

" Oh Armand, Darren want's you to help him pick a suit for his big date tomorrow with Lou ". I nod, great just great, not what I want to do today.

I get up and get dressed, I'm putting on my shoe's when Storm says. " Armand you need to get some more blood ". I nod again.

" Happy birthday fang's ". She then come's and kisses me. " Thank you baby ". If your wondering why she said fang's. Well that's my nickname.

Well I'm now in the town with Darren, we must have looked at about 20 suit's and he still can't find one but, then a stroke of luck he fine's the one it's a black double breasted dinner suit.

We then go our different way's as Darren has gone to buy Lou a seven month anniversary present and I'm looking for the prefect dress for Storm, for the ball in october.

I do find one, it's a gold and silver ball gown. I walk back to where I'm meeting Darren when I see a beautiful diamond necklace. I go into the jewler's and get it for Storm.

I meet Darren and we go shopping after the nightmare is over we load the car. On the way back to the house, he show's me a beautiful gold heart shaped pendent.  " Do you think Lou will like it ". I nod. " I'm sure she will love it mate ".

I pull up outside the house, I help him with the shopping to the front door. I then tell Darren that I have to go and get something for Storm he nod's and I leave.

I drive to the blood bank to a friend who is a vampire, he work's inside. This is where I get my blood from, I drive up the back alley and wait for him to come out.

He arrive's a few minute's later with my blood pack's. " Hello my Prince and happy birthday ". Pete that's his name is from the island he left 5 year's ago.

 " Hello Pete and thank you ". He then hand's me the 12 pack's of blood. " Thank's again Pete ".

I wrap them carefully and place them in a bag and then hide them in the boot of my car. " See you in two week's Pete ". He nod's. " Take care my Prince ". I nod and leave.

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