chapter twenty two

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Armand's pov

I'm awake and have been for an hour or more, I'm finding it hard to sleep. My mind keep's replaying those word's that could only bring me joy and happiness.

 " I love you fang's ". That was Storm's word's to me last night on the beach.

I know she said that she was starting to falling in love with me but, that can only grow in time.

She also gave me a gold promise ring last night and in return I gave her a diamond engagement ring but, I told her it was a promise ring.

I love hearing those word's even if they are only in my mind. I replay those word's again. " I love you fang's ".

 I never thought hearing these word's could make me feel so alive.

Okay maybe not the best choice of  word's to use as technically, I'm dead.

As I don't have a pulse or a heart beat and I have no need to breathe. I only breathe so I can use my sense of smell.

Now that she love's me I can do what I wanted to do from the moment I meet her.

I can love and protect her and I can keep her safe from harm and I will give her the life she deserve's.

A life pain and blood free, when she will have no need to cut herself or worry about being beat or the fear of death. She will be safe with me.

I can't lie here anymore. I need to get up and get some blood. While I have been here on the island.

 I have been drinking bottled blood my only choice is to take her's and I can't do that.

I lean againest the sink and look out the kitchen window. Thinking about my princess and how beautiful she will look at the ball on Night island.

When she will be annonuced as princess Storm to all the kingdom.

Then like a bolt of lighting it come's to me. Where the conection is coming from it's our love for each other.

I wonder when she realised she was falling in love with me.

I might ask her later but, there again maybe not as I don't want to push her.
I'm just glad she is mine and our bond as we call it is getting stronger, that mean's we are ment to be.

To hell with the stupid prophecy, I have my heart's desire.

Storm's pov

I'm awake as I feel Armand slip out of bed and our room. I wonder how he is feeling this morning. I feel on top of the world as I have fallen in love with the man of my dream's.

I roll on to my back and look at my right hand, I can see the diamond engagement ring sparkling in the sunlight that is coming through the window.

I remove it and place it on my left ring finger, just to see what it would look like.

I think it look's good. I should tell you what it look's like, well it's at least a carot, yep that big and that's just the centre diamond there is also two row's of smaller diamond's all the way around the centre diamond so it's a cluster of diamond's.

As I look at the beautiful ring, I think off my Mum if she were still alive she would say. " Alway's follow your heart, where ever it may lead you ".
 She did say that to me once when I was 12 year's old and I had my first crush.

I'm so happy at the moment, I don't think I have ever felt this way before in fact I know I have never felt this way before.

 It's all because, I have found the man I love and I do mean that, I didn't think I was capable of love but it seem's I am.

Pain,Blood and a Vampire's love ( The Series )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن