chapter seventy

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Lucy's pov

It's been a few day's since the service for Toni, thing's have gone back to normal, if that is even possible, well apart for the bedroom department for Storm and Armand.

We were sat together this morning and, she told me, she is afraid to get that close to him as she doesn't want to get caught again.

I have offered to help her, with a little spell that will stop her from feeling guilty and, allow her to let Armand close again, she agreed so that is what I did.

If you are wondering where I am, I'm in the family room, not feeling to well today what with feeling sick and giddy. So I've got my feet up and my eye's closed.

I then hear. " Mum are you okay ". I open my eye's and come face to face with Rogue.

" Yes darling I'm fine, just tired ". He then kisses me on the head and leave's with Sophie.

It's strange looking at my grown up son, he is nearly the same age as me now, you would think he was my brother not my son.

" Lou, are you okay sweetheart ". I open my eye's again and see Armand.

" Yeah I'm okay Armand, just feeling a bit giddy it will pass ". He smile's and keep's going.

Armand 's pov

It has been three day's since, the service for our son Toni, Storm has settled down she has won the people back.

We have laid down some law's, you break the law's your are punished.

The people have agreed to these law's and hopefully this should solve the problem and Storm will have better control of her firestorm.

I have just spoken to Lou, she is in the family room with her feet up and her eye's closed.

I know from Shadow that she is having a rough time, Lou is feeling sick and giddy all the time.

As I walk toward's the kitchen to grab some blood I should also say that I'm reading through a list of blood that has been requested by the shop in town.

I know we need A negitive blood but they are asking for AB neg and pos and A poss and they are asking for some paranormal blood like phoenix and familiar.

If you are wondering what a familiar is it's a shape shifting cat, there blood is the sweetest of all it's very sickly.

Yes I dated a fimiliar once, not much fun I can tell you .

Especially after I dumped her I'm glad I heal fast the scratches I had all over my body you would think I was a scratching post or something.

" Morning Armand ". I look up and see Shadow. " Hi Shadow ". He smile's and shake's his head.

" What ". he laugh's and then says. " Everytime, I see you these day's, you have your head in paper's ".

I laugh but he is right there I'm alway's walking around working well it help's keep my mind busy seeing as me and Storm are still pretty distance in the bedroom, we cuddle but that's it.

And it has been that way since our son died, I say goodbye to shadow and go in to the kitchen and get a bottle of blood.

As I'm drinking the blood I hear Storm's voice in my mind. " Fang's I need to see you in our room please ".

I finish my blood and leave the paper's in the kitchen for Frank to tick off what we need here at the palace before I go up stair's to see what's wrong.

Storm's pov

I feel okay now I will never forget my son but Lou is right I can't keep punishing Armand or myself just because it was what the fate's decided to do.

I have just step out of the shower, I'm now stood in the closet in a towel going through my underwear.

When I spot a black lace teddy top and french knicker's I was given by Armand on my last birthday that was also our wedding day.

It hard to believe that was four month's ago, anyway I haven't worn it yet.

So I slip in to it as I do, I think about Armand and how lucky, I am to be with him.

I decide to call to him in his mind asking him to come to me, now all I have to is wait and see if he come's.

I look at the clock next to the bed and, see that it's 9:30 am the kid's will be at school.

I then hear the door open, I'm standing in the shadow's of the closet I want to surprise him.

" Storm where are ". I smile. " Fang's sit on the bed and close your eye's, I have a surprise for you ".

I watch as he sit on the end of our bed and close's his eye's. " Okay Storm my eye's are closed ". I walk out of the closet and lock our door.

I then walk to him and, part his leg's so I can stand between them, I then lift his hand's to the top's of my leg's, I then glide his hand up slowly .

Mmm he feel so good. " Can I open my eye's now ". I smile.

Mmm no, I want him to feel and see if he can guess what I'm wearing first.

" Not yet fang's, just feel and see if you can guess ". He nod's .

I smile as I watch him play with the edge of my teddy top rubbing it between his finger's he is frowning as well I can't help but smile.

He then open's his eye's and kisses my hand. I feel a strange pull I push him down and kiss him hard on the lip's before I know it we are naked on the bed.

I push him in to me and we make love for the first time in two week's as we climax, we start again the only thing I can think of is that this must be Lou and her spell.

Hope you enjoy , love you all XD

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