chapter fifty two

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Armand's pov

I have given Storm my blood to cool her body down after I had to use my other power to burn her it was the only way to stop her power's growing out of control and killing her.

She is in a state of flux at the moment her body is dying but, her mind is strong, she will pull through.

I hear a knock at the door I get up and go to the door. I wobble a little as I'm tired and drain from what I have just done to Storm.

 I open the door and I'm confronted by Darren and Darkarmand. " Dad is Mum okay we heard her scream ".

" Yes son's, Mum will be fine ". I see concern in there eye's as they look at me.

 " Dad are you okay, you don't look so good ". I smile at Darren he has our gift to heal.

 " Son I'm fine, don't worry ". I feel my knee's starting to give way, I need to lie down.

" Dad ". I look to see Darren with his hand's out that's when I realise my leg's have gone.

 " Dad, I can help ". I then Feel Darren's hand's on my face as he help's me, I start to feel better he help's me up and I hug him. " Thank's Darren ".

He smile's and he and Darkarmand come in and sit by Storm, one either side of her holding her hand's from where I'm standing at the end of our bed. I can feel Darren radiating his healing power's into Storm.

" Darren Mum will be fine ". He turn's and smile's at me. " I know Dad, I just want to make sure ". I can't help but smile he is so kind hearted just like Storm he may look like me on the outside but he is Storm on the inside.

By that I mean he has her kind loving heart, it's a good thing really, I don't want any of my children turning out like me.

I then hear in my mind. " Don't be so hard on yourself, you turned out okay fang's ". I look from my son to my wife and see Storm with her eye's open.

" Storm are you okay ". I replie in her mind. " Yes fang's I'm great, I feel so strong and my mind is so clear ". She replie's in mine she is smiling and hugging our son's.

 Darkarmand says. " I better go get Sophie, she was a mess ".

" Tell Sophie, I'm fine okay my son ". He nod's and kisses Storm on the cheek.

 " I love you Mum ". She smile's. " I love you too Darkarmand ". I then go to my wife and we hug, thank the fate's she is back.

 I just hope it worked I look to the Doctor and he nod's.

Storm's pov

I'm fully aware of what is going on around me but, my body is heavy and numb.

I can't move it I then feel a heat moving up my arm, In my mind I smile that can only be my Darren bless him he has such a good heart.

Now the burning has stop, I can think more clearly I know how my power's work now and how to turn them off and on as I need them.

 I feel strong and powerful, I know how my fang's feel's now, so this must be what it is like to be a full vampire.

I hear Armand's mind say that he is glad that Darren is more like me then him, he doesn't want our children to be like him.

 It's only because of what he was like when his Mum died. " Don't be so hard on yourself, you turned out okay fang's ". He look's at me and I smile.

He then say. " Storm are you okay ". I repile to his mind. " Yes fang's I'm great, I feel so strong and my mind is so clear ". I'm hugging Darkarmand and Darren but, I'm smiling at fang's.

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