chapter thirty nine

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Armand's pov

I'm still sat in my Father's office, trying to work all this out how can she be Queen of all paranormal's that's not possible.

 There has never been a Queen of all paranormal's to my knowledge unless my Father has been keeping more secret's from me. 

We normally choose our own royal's, that way there is no fighting but, there must be more.

 There must be some history to this, I know my Grandmother, had the power to control all vampire's but this, this is different.

" Dad what aren't you telling me ". He look's back at me, from where he is standing at the office  window.

 " Son the last time there was a Queen of all paranormal's was over 3000 year's ago, that was my Grandmother, she died after she gave birth to my Father ".

If that is the case, my heart is at risk of death, I can't and won't let that happen.

 I will take her away from here, I will give up my crown and walk away.

" Son the prophecy says the next Queen of paranormal's, will live forever, meaning she can never die ".

What the hell is going on why her, why now, what does this mean for our children for us.

Darknite's pov

I think it's time I told my son the story of my Grandmother and how the prophecy all began.

 Yes it's time, he is scared for her life and the life of his children. " My son, I will tell you the story behind the Queen of paranormal's and how the prophecy began ". He nod's well here goes.

" I will have to take you back 3000 year's to when my Grandmother was to be crown Queen of all paranormal's ".


My Grandmother was eighteen when her first husband fell in love with her and like Storm she was human.

My Grandmother's name was Riva, her first husband was named Deathnite, he was a cold blooded killer until the day he met Riva.

She did not cower to him, no she laughed at him, when he told her he would drink from her

She told him to do it, he realised he wanted her so he took her and left her village far behind them.

Deathnite kept Riva locked up  in a room fit for a Queen but, each time her came for her, she refused him, calling him a bloodsucking monster.

Then one night he went to her room and asked her to be his wife, she told him that she could never love him, unless he changed some of his way's, like killing human's.

He left her and he thought it through, the next night he went to her and said he would change if she agreed to be his wife and have his children but, she also had to become one of us a vampire.

She agreed, as she had fallen in love with him little did he know but, she had the power to control the paranormal's.

It wasn't until a year later when he changed her that it happened, she would touch him and he would feel a jolt and what ever she wanted he did.

The power came in of use as the year's went by when war broke out she would use her gift by push it from her body like a shield and everyone in that bubble would feel her calming effect.

There was peace through out the land, my Grandmother's first husband Deathnite died when she was only eight hundred year's old.

He died of blood posioning, she griefed for him for 1000 year's, she also lost his first and only child because of his death.

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