chapter 9

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[The next morning]

(At CT Agency)

3rd POV:

"Sir, the three models are here" Mark's secretary said

"Bring them in" Mark said while still typing on his computer, His secretary signal the four ladies inside but not their bodyguards, bowed then take his leave.

"Woah my three beautiful models! sit down, sorry to call you in during your break" Mark stands up from his chair and walk towards them, the three models including Jihyo isn't pleased to be at the Agency and especially seeing Mark on their day off. They all took a seat at Mark's couch, Momo and Jihyo sat on side of the coach and the other side Sana and Mina leave no room for Mark to sit next to Sana. Mark is already staring at Sana intensely and the other three girls notice and gave a disgusted look.

"So girls, I have some good news for you" Mark smiled

"what is it? Sir" Jihyo asked plainly

"You guys are going to Europe for a week because you three will become the next Prada and Gucci new model ambassador" Mark announced, the four girls smile widely and jump with excitement. The three girls always go to Europe to model for the brands but their dream was to become the big company model ambassador. This is the three's dream.

"But" Mark added, the four girls face dropped.

"I need something in return for this big favor" Mark smirked, the four girls felt uneasy.

"What do you want in return?" Momo irritatedly said

"I want Sana to marry me" Mark smiled creepily, the four is stunned and angry.

"No way!!" Momo and Mina exclaimed while Sana look speechless.

"YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU FOUR! EITHER SANA MARRY ME OR YOU WILL NEVER BE THE NEW AMBASSADOR. So think carefully before you give me an answer." Mark exclaimed, Mina and Momo look at Mark with a burning hate stare. Mina, Momo, and Jihyo looked at Sana who's looking down with tears in her eyes.

"I'll do it" Sana finally said after thinking for a few minutes, Mark smirked

"NO YOU CAN'T! I DON'T ALLOW IT" Momo stand up and yelled, Sana stood up and look at Momo

"This is our dream Momo, I know how much you and Mina want this. And I do too. So I have to do this" Sana tried to comfort Momo and the other two while crying.

"Woah I'm so touched, so it's done!" Mark stand up and start clapping while fake a cry

"But I have one condition" Sana said looking Mark with disgust

"what is it my love~?" Mark cooed, Sana felt disgusted whenever Mark being sweet to her.

"We can do the marriage after I become the ambassador and attend all the events. My career comes first" Sana declared, Mark think about it for a few seconds

"Okay that sounds good" Mark agreed

"you guys all set, you guys will start next week. So go enjoy the rest of y'all break! I'm excited for you my love" Mark clapped his hands together, The four quickly stand up and leave his office. Their bodyguards followed them.


(at cafe shop)

The four girls was sitting at a cafe table while the three men stood behind them. 10 minutes later, Nayeon and Jeongyeon showed up and joined the girls.

"What's wrong? you guys look like you just saw a ghost or something" Nayeon asked while sitting down.

"No, It's worse than that" Momo said angrily

"wae? What's wrong??" Nayeon starts to be concern

"We are going to be the new Prada and Gucci Models ambassador in Europe" Jihyo replied, Nayeon is confused

"That's great!! That's what you girls always wanted right? That's y'all dream to become one right? so what's the matter" Nayeon asked

"but mark want something in return in order for us to take the deal" Jihyo replied,

"He wants Sana to marry him" Jihyo continued and everyone looked down, Nayeon is speechless and mad. The four bodyguards was shocked too.

"Aish that bastard, you didn't agree right? Please tell me you didn't. You hate him!" Nayeon demand, Sana looked down and shake her head.

"I did agree. Even though, I really hate him. but because it's our dream, I'm not going to let him stop our dream" Sana said crying while looking down. The four men kept cool but they are really shocked, especially Tzuyu.

"So when is the marriage?" Nayeon asked with a sad face

"After the Europe events" Sana said crying louder, Nayeon went over to hug Sana and cry with her.

Tzuyu was stare at Sana crying with a blank face but inside he feel sad. The other three guys noticed Tzuyu staring at Sana and felt bad. Jeongyeon, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung knew that Tzuyu is slowly falling for Sana but they don't say anything because this is the first time they see Tzuyu slowly having feelings for someone so they want Tzuyu to be comfortable with his feelings.

The girls reassured Sana and decided to go home to watch some movies and spend time together to cheer Sana up for the rest of the day.


Later, at the bar

Tzuyu's POV:

We are at a the local bar because we all want to drink after what happened today. Jeongyeon and I ordered whiskey, while Chaeyoung and Dahyun ordered bourbon.

"Mark is really a bastard. Who force a woman to marry him and threaten her if she don't then he will ruin he dream. A true Asshole" Dahyun angrily said, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung agreed.

"Tzuyu, we have to do something." Jeongyeon said while taking a sip of his whiskey, I was stare blankly into space. There's a sting in my heart, and I don't know why I feel a hurt. I don't know why I can't imagine being married to another man, especially to the guy who killed his sister. I don't why the thought of Sana being with another man make my blood boils.

"We can't let that crime bastard marry Sana" Chaeyoung added

"We can do something but not right now." I simply said and took a sip of my drink.

"what do you mean?" Jeongyeon asked,

"Did you guys forgot who I'm the son of? Don't worry." I said smirking, and they all nodded. 'I will make sure to protect you Sana. He doesn't deserve you.' I said to myself and drank chugged the rest of my whiskey.

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