chapter 27

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3rd POV

"Where's Sana?" Tzuyu shouted, The leader stepped out from behind the group and viciously laughed

"Why would I tell you?" The man laughed hysterically

"let's play a little game shall we? if I win you tell me where she's at, if I lose....well you can kill me however you want" Tzuyu smirked

"Why not?" The man grinned

"let's fight one on one" Tzuyu declared, The man thought about it and nodded.

"Drop your weapons" The man said

"call back your men" Tzuyu command, The man smiled and told his man to back off and dropped his weapons. Tzuyu dropped his gun. All of his men stood back and watch the two about to fight.

"let's go" The man smirked, The man ran to Tzuyu and was about to punch Tzuyu but Tzuyu quickly dodge his attack. Which cause the man to be stunned because of how quick Tzuyu is.

The man threw another hit with his other hand but Tzuyu quickly catch his hands and managed to bend it back and snap his wrist. The man groaned in pain which Tzuyu smiled and push the man down to the ground.

"come on, it's just getting started" Tzuyu said while walking around the man who's on the floor in pain. The man got up angrily and charged at Tzuyu again, he used the other hand that's not broken and quickly swing at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu didn't see it coming and the man managed to land a punch onto Tzuyu's face. Leaving a cut on Tzuyu's face but that didn't phase Tzuyu, so the man throws another hit.

Tzuyu blocked the punch with his forearm, using the other hand to snap the man's only wrist left. Tzuyu moved to the side grabbed the man's other hand from behind, put both of the man's broken hands behind his back and Tzuyu kicked his leg to make him fall down onto his stomach.

Tzuyu used his knee to pinned the man's hands together behind his back. Tzuyu quickly grabbed a pocket knife with one hand while the other one pinned the man's head down. The man is now yelling in pain.

"Where is Sana?" Tzuyu points the knife at the man's neck, The man is shivering in fear.

"s-s-she's on the roof, p-p-please spear me" The man begged for mercy, Tzuyu grinned and lean closer to the man's ear.

"If your boss didn't spear my sister's life when she begged him to let her live. So why should I?" Tzuyu coldly smirked and sliced the man's neck. Tzuyu got up and look at the other 14 men shivering in fear.

"1 down, who's next?" Tzuyu grinned with a cold expression, One of them man grabbed his gun and was about to shoot Tzuyu. But, Tzuyu is highly skilled Marine he kicked his gun upward, catch it and shot them.

'2 down' Tzuyu said in his head. The others began to shoot at Tzuyu. Tzuyu's reaction is automatic, he fired at the men came after him.

'3...4..5' Tzuyu kill one by one in every directions effortlessly


'9....10..11..12...13' Tzuyu counting in his head while he is wiping out the men one by one. He's down onto the last man who's on floor crawling away because he got shot in both of his legs. Tzuyu walk towards the man who's crawling desperately for his life. Pointing his gun at him.

"p-please let me live, I-I didn't do anything to her I promise. Mark forced me to this or else he would kill my family." The last man begged Tzuyu for mercy, Tzuyu kneeled down and stare at the man with his killer eyes.

Tzuyu point his gun at him, he was about to shoot the man when suddenly a picture of Sana smiling at him popped up in his head. 'I can't turn into this monster again. Mark is the monster not me, I can't let her see this side of me' Tzuyu's eyes slowly began to turn back to normal again.

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