chapter 10

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[Few days past]

(currently 7am at Incheon Airport to Paris)

3rd POV:

"Everyone ready?" Jihyo asked. Momo, Sana, Mina, and Nayeon all nodded. Nayeon took a week off to go and support the three models in Paris. The four men in suits are also ready to go. Fans, paparazzi's are taking endless photos of the models while the three walked flawlessly to their gates. All of them entered the aircraft, Mina, Momo, Jihyo and Nayeon all sat together and their bodyguards behind them in first class seats but Sana and Tzuyu have to sit three rows behind because they messed up their seatings.

After 10 minute of people settling in, they are ready to departure. Sana's hands starts to shake a bit because she gets scared whenever the aircraft starts taking off. Tzuyu noticed and move his hand to hold her hands, Sana look at their hands touching and look up at Tzuyu who had his eyes closed like he is sleeping. Sana smile to herself, somehow his touch made her feel at ease and protected. She forget all the pain, stress and worries whenever he's next to her.

12 hours later, they arrived in Paris, France

After grabbing their luggages at the luggage claims they head out where there are two black Cadillac SUVs waiting for them to take them to their Hotel. Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung , and Jihyo took one car, and the other have Sana, Tzuyu, Nayeon and Jeongyeon. After driving for 30 minutes they arrived at the 5 stars hotel in the middle of the city of Paris.

They all both existed and checked into their room, the girls get their own room while the guys get their room. Their rooms are right next to each other, just in case of anything happening.


It's currently 6 pm in Paris, first day in Paris

The girls are hungry, they don't attend the event until two days. They have a day to themselves and then the work begins. They went to a 5 stars restaurant at the top of the Eiffel tower that's been reserved for just them. The four girls ordered and later the chef brought out tons of cuisine and they dig in. While the four men sat a few table away from them.

"How you feeling Sana?" Nayeon asked worrying.

"Not good, but I'm trying to forget it for a while and focus on our work" Sana replied fake a smile, almost tearing up. Thinking she have to marry Mark makes her want to cry because he isn't the guy she wants to marry. She want it to be someone else.

"I seriously hate him. I can't even stand sitting in the same room as him minding to marry him? UGH" Momo said in disgust.

"Who would want to marry that creep? I know who she want to marry instead" Mina smirking at Sana, the other three was confused while Sana is in shocked on what Mina just said. The other girls raised their eyebrows and look at Sana and Mina with a shocked face.

"Who??" Nayeon asked

"No one!!.........yet" Sana whispered the word 'yet' and looked down

"oh come on~ just tell all of us, it's so obvious" Mina teased Sana, the others are really confused right now.

"guys it's no one, Mina just making fun of me" Sana tried to deny it. All of them gave Sana a skeptical look but let it go, they already had an idea who it is. They want Sana to tell them with her own words.

'I can't tell them the person I want is my own personal bodyguard' Sana think to herself while poking at her food.


at the guy's table

"Guys umm...I think I'm going to tell Mina how I truly feels" Chaeyoung told the guys

"good, about time" Jeongyeon said while eating, everyone wasn't fade about Chaeyoung news because they all knew. They all knew they all have feelings for the four girls.

"wait what, you're not mad?" Chaeyoung is shock

"no, we all knew that everyone here like the girls. Plus why would we be mad? we are happy you finally found someone. Also I already told Momo how I felt and she felt the same, but we are keeping it on the down low." Dahyun replied, Chaeyoung was surprised but happy.

"Yeah, I told my Nayeon too" Jeongyeon smiled

"I don't" Tzuyu said plainly

"Hm yeah right sure Tzuyu" Chaeyoung scoffed

"speaking of which, we need to help Sana soon" Jeongyeon stopped eating and turned serious

"yeah we can't let her marry that roach" Dahyun added

"I'm going to give my dad a call" Tzuyu put down his utensils and took out his phone, Tzuyu was about to get up when Chaeyoung said

"woah woah You going to call Mr. Chou?! I thought you guys don't talk at all." Chaeyoung is stunned

"yeah we don't but I need a favor." Tzuyu replied with a straight face, He dialed his dad phone and walked out of the restaurant.

"heol. he never asked his dad for a favor and now look at him, and he said he doesn't like her" Chaeyoung left speechless along with the other three.

Tzuyu walk passed the girls table with a phone in his ears, the five girls stared at Tzuyu walked by and was in awed. One girl specifically is still staring at Tzuyu mesmerizing his features.

"he's so fine" Nayeon said, Sana gave a sharp look at Nayeon.

'Who's he talking to on the phone' Sana wonders


Outside of the restaurant

"yes, young master" A deep voice from an old man answered the phone

"Where's my dad, John" Tzuyu replied, John is Mr. Chou's secretary

"He's in a meeting sir" John replied

"Okay tell him to call me back once he's done, I need to talk to him." Tzuyu replied coldly.

"Yes, sir. But sir if he doesn't call back-"

"I know. Just tell him" Tzuyu cut John off, Tzuyu's dad never call him unless he needs something.

"Yes, sir" John replied.

Tzuyu end the call. 'Dad please help, I can't let her marry him' Tzuyu sighed. The others are done so they all walk out of the restaurant and meet up with Tzuyu. They all decided to leave and go back to the hotel to rest.

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