chapter 28

874 40 5

3rd POV

"Sana?" Mark asked Sana, Sana look straight into Tzuyu's eyes and look up at Mark

"I'll be damn if you think I don't want to be with him." Sana glared at Mark, Mark gritted his teeth.

"fine. suits yourself. If you're not leaving Tzuyu then I will make Tzuyu leaves you" Mark smirked. 

"over my dead body" Tzuyu mumbled

"What you said?" Mark went closer to Tzuyu, Tzuyu spit on Mark's face.

"AISH! Fine. Since you are so insist on leaving each other. I will do it myself" Mark was about to walk over to Sana when Tzuyu spoke up

"fucking coward." Tzuyu spat him, Mark stopped in his track.

"what the fuck did you say?" Mark angrily asked again

"I said. You are fucking COWARD!" Tzuyu repeat himself, Mark went over and hit Tzuyu in the face. Tzuyu got cut on his lips.

"coward?! how am I the coward when you are the one with no heart." Mark yelled

"I don't beat woman and throw a temper tantrum because things doesn't go my way" Tzuyu said

"HAHAHAH and I kill innocent people too...guess we both have something in common" Mark smirked

"what I did was an ordered." Tzuyu plainly said.

"YOU KILLED THAT LITTLE BOY!....with your bloody hands, that you will NEVER get it off" Mark pointed his gun at Tzuyu's head and pressed hard on it.

"what are you talking about?" Tzuyu raised his eyebrows

"That boy you killed in Iraq. I went to visit Iraq a few years ago, I got lost and almost got killed but he saved me. I owed that child my LIFE. But then I found out that he died not long after and it's the person, no other than YOU. My ex-girlfriend's brother. A such "Heroic" Marine. But the truth is you're just a cold hearted monster with killer eyes." Mark explained 

"His parents was a threat-" Tzuyu cut off by Mark

"BUT HE WAS INNOCENT....he fucking TRUSTED you. And you betrayed him." Mark yelled aggressively.

"and YOU BETRAYED JILL! don't fucking act this is a one way street" Tzuyu chuckled sarcastically

"what I did to that boy will forever haunts me. But, nothing haunts me more than Jill died ALONE with her blood on your hands" Tzuyu yelled.

"Enough with the talking, give me my money." Mark demand

"sure. Chaeyoung bring up the money" Tzuyu said to his radio. Chaeyoung copy that and quickly went up to the roof and brought a suitcase full of money. Mark's men took a look at the money and took it. Chaeyoung was going to go through but his men stopped him. Chaeyoung noticed Tzuyu being tied up, he want to run over but he trust Tzuyu to give the order.

"Now untie her" Tzuyu deeply said

"hmmm sure, but after I have my fun~" Mark viciously smiled, Mark went over to Sana and creepily stroke her face, Sana is starting to bawl again.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING" Tzuyu yelled trying to break loose of the rope. Mark went closer to Sana and sniffed her hair.

"You smell good babe~" Mark licked Sana's neck

"Get away from me you pervert" Sana is screaming and fighting to break free. But that didn't stopped Mark. Mark stood up and look at Tzuyu.

"you ruined my love life so now I'm going to make you taste pain" Mark turned around and ripped Sana's shirt. Revealing Sana's bra. Tzuyu widen his eyes and trying his best to rip the rope, while Chaeyoung is fighting to get passed Mark's men.

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