Chapter 45: A Minor Hiccup Pt.3

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Without hesitating, (Y/N) vaulted over the log that was in his way without taking his eyes off Yang.

(Y/N): What happened? Is she okay!?

His expression openly shouted how worried (Y/N) was, as in just a single moment, all his other concerns were overshadowed by this one.

Yang: Not really....she's been...


Yang: Look, everything has been quite complicated since you left, you understand? With Roman Torchwick, the White everything else, she has been very unstable lately.

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Yang: Didn't you see her when you messed with the CNAG team that day!? She barely gets any sleep, her eye bags look pretty bad, and she even started skipping classes regularly. Her grades are plummeting even more than mine!


Yang: If this goes on...she might even drop si---

Getting right in front of her, (Y/N) frowned as he scolded her.

(Y/N): And what the hell are you doing here then!? Why are you wasting time with me instead of being with her!?

Being surprised by (Y/N)'s tone and aggressiveness, Yang was forced to take a step back as she faltered.

Yang: W-Wha---....How dare YOU say that!?

Pushing him away with one hand, Yang went on the defensive.

Yang: She needs you as much as she needs me or the others, don't you understand!? But here you are, hiding from everybody in your little camp!!

(Y/N): You are her teammate!!

Yang: And you her crush, for crying out loud!!


(Y/N) stood speechless, clenching his fist in frustration; for despite Yang's words, his mind seemed to be in total denial, repeatedly telling him how impossible that could be.

Yang: Stop being a fucking idiot for just a minute and think about everything you have put her through while you were here....Do you even know how much time she spent looking for you? Or feeling guilty because you left!? Do you!?

Yang simply shook her head, sighing slighlty at the same time.

Yang: Of course you don't...It's almost like if you couldn't give a single damn.

(Y/N): G-Grr...!


Yang: She was devastated...Heartbroken....You really proved to her how little you trusted her....You must feel pretty proud, after all, you wanted it that way, huh!?

Looking at her threateningly, (Y/N) gritted his teeth before answering.

(Y/N): Watch your damn mouth, Xiao Long!! I NEVER wanted to hurt her, I didn't want any of this!

Yang: Then why didn't you ever reach out to her? Why haven't you even bothered to speak and explain things to her for this long!?

(Y/N): Because I---....! I thought she was with...---

Yang: 'You thought'...Of course...


Yang: Stop being a selfish moron, (Y/N)....the world doesn't revolve around you...


Yang: I'm not asking you to come back, I'm not even asking for an apology.....right now, Blake needs us....Blake needs you...

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