Chapter 4: Casual trip

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1 year, 5 months later

(Y/N) and Momiji are currently sparring behind Raven's tent, (Y/N) using a rustic bokken and Momiji wielding her usual naginata.

Momiji: Take this!

Momiji spun her weapon a couple times before doing a vertical slash, (Y/N) jumped back to avoid the attack.

(Y/N): Too many spins.....

Momiji swift the floor with her weapon as (Y/N) smoothly jumped over it with an aerial twist, Momiji quickly rolled over her shoulder to get some distance.

Momiji: This ends here!

Once again, Momiji spun her naginata around her body with an incredible skill, (Y/N) simply  watched with an inexpressive or rather bored look.

Momiji turn her back to (Y/N) while spinning her naginata for last time.

Momiji: Special technique...

Momiji made a single thrust crossing her legs with a kung-fu stance.

Momiji made a single thrust crossing her legs with a kung-fu stance

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Momiji: Infernal Serpent dan--

(Y/N) parried Momiji's weapon with a single swing knocking it off her hands.


Momiji: U-Uhm...

Momiji nervously look up at (Y/N), her body shaking a little.

Momiji: S-Shall we call it a draw...?

(Y/N) softly hit Momiji's head with his bokken.

Momiji: Ow!

(Y/N): *sigh* That "spinning" style you had is really.....inefficient...*mumbling* and kinda makes me dizzy...

Momiji: WHAAA?! Whatcha talking about?!?!

She said while standing up.

(Y/N): It's just....too childish...

Momiji: *pout* It's not!! *crossing arms* It's a complex fighting style inspired in techniques of diverse martial arts as Wushu, Ninjutsu and pen-spinning...

This took (Y/N) by surprise, he said something similar a long time ago...

Momiji: Hmm? Something wrong?


Momiji: Hmm...Anyways, we should get going for now, it's getting cold *shivers in cold*...

She was right, it was the middle of December, the trees and ground were covered in white snow, (Y/N)'s breath became airborne as a result of the low temperature.

(Y/N): If you have that much cold....why don't you use your semblance?

Momiji: You know I can't do it in the camp....Raven gets mad if I damage something....

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