33 - Who Needs Help?

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"That kid almost raped a 7 years old girl when he was only 6. Can you believe that?"

"And he'll be discharge?"


"The world is a very dangerous place."

Among those gossips, the boy stood with a calculated smile, his stare came static on a particular space and continue his ambulatory towards it. His left hand inside his pockets while the other at his front spinning the doorknob. As he entered the room, he was greeted with the same old guy, busy staring at his table with his stack of papers on the side illuminating from the big lamp shape with mellow yellow lightness.

His cheeky smile didn't leave his lips as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey, Doc. Hope you're good."

He stopped the motion on his hands and guided him to sit. The usual therapy happened. Throwing questions, the doctor checking his paper, and writing down the result.

"You're getting better... I can see a little improvement." He said after Ron answered his questions truthfully.


"Hmm, do you still have your sexual fantasy, Ron?"

"I have it."

"How often?"

"Sometimes too much. I still can't sleep. If I don't have the belt strap on my gloins I would want a taste of that someone."

"Who's that someone?"

"Ah, that girl I saw last time on your office?"

"Is she a patient? A kid?"

He put a triumphant smile. "Yes. Your kid."

And that X changes every little checks Doc. Trevarthen have marked.

"Ron, you'll be having a visitor."

The man in front of him said.

His triumphant smile escalates. His eyea widened, but like lightning, it fades and was replace by a huge smile pasted in his face.

The door opened again, a man in his 40's with his large beard and big apparel came out from the door. His eyes met his, and he quickly have his palms hidden in his gown's pocket while slowly standing up to greet his Dad.

After hugging him with delight in his eyes. Doc. Trevarthen glances at the big man and whispered while slowly removing his golden monocle, "I wonder... Who really needs help."

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