06 - The Puzzle Love Theory

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We have often seen bad boys drawn into good girls, or the good girl falling for the bad boy type of fiction in a book or movies. There's also the party girl with the nerd one, the flirt with the timid, the popular and the nobody, etc. We always partner people with an iconic and apparent difference that somehow makes us see their chemistry even with their oozing distinguished personality. Opposite attract they say. Opposite draws their inverse individuals. But also, people can tend to like the person with a similarity they can't resist with. Somehow, it's more comfortable and predictable to be with someone you are similar with. This theory of puzzle concatenating with the function of a love partner offers an intuitive interpretation of how a love connection happens and what strengthens that bond.

Define love. To summarize the articles I've been reading about the biology of love, the science of love, or in general what it does in our body, it all represents a release of a variety of hormones or how it activates a particular part of the brain. We don't want to be too technical here, so in a simple system, love is making you feel good, and what makes us feel good is our preferences being achieved with our love partners. We might want opposite or similar, but it cannot be just one. The opposite we might find in a partner is the opposite that we are subconsciously wanting. Let's say in a fictional story, the good girl wants the bad boy as she also admires being in that state of freedom. The geek and the party girl, the former want to feel liberation while the party girl seeks discipline and it happens they both see in each other what they want for themselves. While the similar thing we admired in our partner is the thing that can make us feel comfortable as they might appear that they can be predictable with the same traits sharing with you. In a relationship, for two individuals to connect there should be a portrait, images, shapes, or icons that differentiate you from each other that will able you to complement. The difference between you two make prevents a boring static growth of relationships that are filled with predictability. Hence, the two pieces wouldn't connect even with different fine edges and images that fit if the colors, the mood, and the vibe won't match so similarity for stability is needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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