Chapter 7-2

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  "What do you think Audrey?" Natalie asked. She held up a sexy devil costume and wore red plastic horns on her head. "You think this'll turn some heads?"

Audrey blushed. "I mean I couldn't see myself wearing it."

"I figured, I mean for me though?"

  "Oh! I mean if you like it!" Audrey said. She browsed the racks and looked at the walls. Most of the costumes were a mix of cute, promiscuous, or scary. Some–knock off brands of big name movies.

  Natalie followed closely behind her, watching her as much as she was watching the costumes. Emma was close by with Sam, Looz and Adrian. Emma frantically went through every cliche costume she could find. A sound of disgust came from her. "All of these costumes suck!" She said, "I'm better off just making my own from actual clothes." Sam pulled one of the outfits she tossed. It was a Green Victorian era looking dress.

"I don't know, this one looks kind of cute, wonder if they have one in my size." She turned to Looz, who was sitting on a bench near Adrian.

"Looz, sweetie, what do you think?" She held the dress high up for her to see.

"Sam, you'll look amazing in anything," She said.

  "Why thank you! I'll see if Sebastian wants to match."

  Audrey walked all around the store. Her friends' voices filled the air, mingling with the sounds of strangers and music from the speakers. Creepy laughter and loud shrieks alternated every couple of seconds. She got lost in the eyes of the masks sitting on the walls. A familiar feeling washed over  her as she peered into the latex eyes of a pale humanoid monster mask; a feeling of panic. It was as if it was staring back into her very being. The beat of her heart increased, making her want to scream and run. The vibrant noise of the shop faded—replaced with white noise. Audrey jolted at the sudden touch from Natalie, a gentle touch of her shoulder.

"Audrey? You okay?"

"Yeah why?" She asked.

  "I was calling you but you ignored me."

  "Oh I'm so sorry!" Audrey said, "I was just spacing out I guess, I tend to do that a lot."

"No worries, I just wanted to tell you that Jacob and Danielle are here, we are going to meet them at the theater."

  "Oh is it almost time for the movie?"

  "Yes! Danielle is gonna make us late!" Emma said.

  "Emma, relax!" Natalie retorted.

  "What I'm just saying!"

Natalie, and Sam bought some stuff for their costumes, which added to the amount of bags that they were already carrying, along with Emma's.

"Adrian, you mind holding some of my bags?" Emma asked. She raised her hands that held an array of colored bags, each filled to the brim.

"Sure, I'm surprised you bought this much. Let alone carried it all."

"We'll you know, Happy birthday to me!"

  "Hey Looz, can we leave our stuff in your car?" Sam asked.

"Yep, not like we can take all of it into the theater."

  The screams and maniacal laughter died down as they exited the store, instead replaced with the loud chatter of the crowded mall. The group walked slightly scattered.

  Natalie, Sam and Emma led them at the front. Their laughter could be heard echoing through the mall. Emma skipped around taking photos and videos. Adrian continued talking to Looz, their conversation barely audible to Audrey—who lagged slowly behind them. Audrey tried focusing into what they were talking about, but couldn't get past the ambience of the mall.

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