Chapter 17-3

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I remember running for my life. Like my life depended on it. Only because mother is always so finicky about time and I was already running behind. Very peculiar how running late is the only kind of running I'm good at (since I was half dead with jelly knees by the time I reached my locker). Essentially the problem was I had forgotten my book but I'm glad I did because then I wouldn't have met you.

You wouldn't believe how much sweat poured down my face and how much blood rushed though my cheeks. Obscene amounts. Usually I like to think I look decent but to say I looked terrible was an understatement.

Still, I had enough time to make it on time before Mom got there. Just as I was about to make my dash back, I bumped into a boy. This day couldn't get any worse, I thought.

Our items fell to the ground and I apologized profusely. But he wasn't upset. Instead of anger, I was met with a gentle smile and a soft voice to match. He had disheveled curly hair that he tried to comb to one side And square glasses that fit his face. He was quite the looker too, I'd be lying if i said i wasn't flustered by his charm.

We picked up our items together and he accidentally read some of my work. Now i wish that run had killed me. I just knew he was going to hate it or think it was cringe. But he wasn't rude about it. Probably because i snatched it from his grasp as qucik as I could. It was like a blur he was so surprised!

As luck would have it he was a writer as well and he asked for my number. Just literal moments before, Looz and I were talking about how I should be more outgoing and try making new friends and here one is just walks into my life.

Adrian and I started a club together, with the help of friends of course. Then we got lost on our first ever sports excursion. Thats when we officially became Team 22. He has helped me so much in my journey of self discovery and has literally held my hand through moments of intense fear. I'm insanely grateful for him and I value his friendship more than anything. Now that i have him as a friend in my life i'd be so afraid to lose him.

Foolishly I almost did. Just a couple of weeks before Christmas, I started to feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. A feeling of not belonging and like I wanted to disappear. I just felt like I was meaningless and no matter what I did or anyone else, I couldn't ezcape that feeling. But Adrian made that feeling go away. Even if for a moment. I knew then just how important team 22 was and how important he was.

Adrian, Thank you for being my friend. I'm extremely grateful I crashed into you that fateful day in September and I can only hope I've made as much of an Impact on your life that you've made on mine.

Out of all the friends I have, and that list is short, You are the one I feel like I share the most in common with. You're smart, caring, funny and really just a great friend. (Sorry if i say that too much)

Have a Very Merry Christmas Adrian. Team 22 against the world!
With love, Audrey.


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