Do you dare? Part 7: 3 2 1 date!

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Note to shrimpself: day 1 was a Thursday then Friday was blood incident, laundry was weekend and Monday was Lem telling so that's already 4 days down

A/n🦐: This is a new chapter so pardon if I'm rusty but it's long so hopefully that makes up for it. Also not me trying to write dates I publish these on now to shame myself into updating more often✋✋
~July 7, 2022
cw: spicy 🥵

Y/n practically dragged Senpai to the nearest sushi joint with an evil grin knowing that since it was his treat, they could get whatever the hell they wanted.
Noticing their grin, he smiles back at them innocently "I like this side of y/n" he thought as he was led in.

"Table for two!" Y/n walked up to the restaurant reception thingamabob. The employee nodded without taking a second to look at the two and led them off to a booth motioning for them to sit. Y/n stood there eyeing the spot the booth was placed like an excited puppy. It was right next to the revolving sushi bar. They've always wanted to try one of these but never had the excuse to and now that dream was about to come true- with their worst enemy, but they wouldn't let that turn their dream into a nightmare.
Y/n plopped down in their seat eyes locked on the plates of sushi revolving around the strange moving system trailing all the way from the kitchen to where they were sitting. They didn't even notice when a waiter appeared asking for what drinks they'd like until Senpai touched their hand to get their attention.

"W- what is it?! I was definitely paying attention!" They panicked looking at him.

"Oh, they were just wondering what you'd like to drink" he motioned towards the waiter.

"Ah, I'll have uh strawberry lemonade." Y/n answered unsure the reasons why they were compelled to pick such a drink. "At least I didn't say the fresh blood of a virgin" they thought to themselves zoning out into what other possible scenarios could've happened like asking for straight up ice cubes.

"Y/n are you alright? You've been zoning out so much." Senpai interrupted their thoughts on what of the infinite choices of beverages they could've asked for.

"Yep! You know how it is, you're not you when you're hungry." They chuckled at their own joke before he could even react.
"Hm? Do you want me to go get you a snickers?" Senpai joked back.
"Ahaha no! I'm allergic to nuts- well most of them" y/n paused processing what they just said.
"NO Y/N NO THAT SOUNDED LIKE A DIRTY JOKE OH MY FUCKING GOD" they screamed at themself internally.

Luckily before anything could be said about it, the waiter arrived with their drinks which y/n sighed with relief and pretty much chugged their strawberry lemonade. Man this was awkward, Senpai probably sees you as some thirsty ass- wait the lemonade! How is it all gone already?! Y/n looked at their empty cup that was just full.

"Oops" they tried to keep their cool, screaming internally. "Oh hey!" They diverted his attention from the empty glass back to the rotating sushi bar. "Have you ever been to one of these before? I'm not entirely sure how this works, do we just grab it?"

Luckily your subject change worked and Senpai responded immediately. "A few times yes, but each one is a little different. You can just get the ones off the little conveyer belt but one also has the option to order your own separately."
Y/n was still intently watching the plates of sushi go around "What's the benefit of just ordering normally?" They asked.
"It's typically more fresh" he answers.
Your eyes don't leave the revolving sushi conveyer belt. "But the experience!"

"H- how am I supposed to get a some?" They asked.
"Normally you just grab the plate" Senpai replied, swiftly taking one off and placing it onto the table as an example.

"Whoa" y/n's eyes went back to the machine searching for their prey before their eyes landed on a plate of sashimi watching it go down the line. "Target locked" they said to themself as it steadily approached them. "I have you now!" They grabbed the plate a little too quickly so that when they set it in the table the fish had fallen off of the rice.

Senpai x reader (Friday night funkin) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now