Do you dare? Part 11: Study date?

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🦐: I know I've been basically updating this yearly at this point. The time gap from the memes are insane, but I'm going to actually try to finish this before disappearing from this for realzies cause it'll be done at last my soul will move onto the plane of freedom

"Weirdo..." y/n sighed as they stared at Senpai from the balcony. They had been locked in a strange situation for a while, but y/n couldn't remember why... All they knew now was that they were locked out of a building on the 10th story balcony with Senpai who was calling this romantic. "Nothing is romantic about being locked out of a skyscraper filled with people who can't help us cause they don't know we're here... are we gonna die here?" Y/n was starting to get a little bit worried until they felt a hand on their shoulder.

"Listen y/n, everything is going to be okay, I know that because well..." Some strumming could be heard out of nowhere and then singing. "Can I put my balls in your jaws? Balls in your jaws, can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?"

Y/n jolted awake as their alarm went off. They really should've changed that ringtone cause it only made their weird dream even weirder as they shuddered. "Ugh what a nightmare..." Checking their phone they saw it opened directly to a new contact... Senpai? Interesting, he had finally decided to give them his number at long last. But when y/n went to message it just to let him know it was them, they pressed the call button instead and never moved so quickly in their life to hang up immediately. They had realized just maybe reality might've been scarier than that dream in that moment.

After holding their breath for a moment, y/n let out a sigh of relief only to have their phone ringing with Senpai's name on it and it was decked out too like a kid who just learned about emojis would type. "Aw hell naw" As they went to hit hang up, they realized they'd probably be blocked for spam if they did and panicked, hitting accept instead.

"Hello y/n? Good morning!" Senpai sounded bright and cheery this morning for some reason.

Y/n wasn't too sure how to respond. After all their last thought of this guy was him singing balls in your jaws. "Oh, hey." They tried to respond casually, but their voice cracked and they just came off as if they'd just rolled out of bed which was true, but embarrassing.

You could hear Senpai perk up at the sound of your voice. "So it really is you! Thanks for not making me wait too long for you to call or text me. I had something I wanted to ask you... oh and a photo for you!" It really seemed like he was getting comfortable with acting all chummy like this with you...

"Eh? A photo? I swear if you send me anything weird I'm blocking you." Y/n slipped out.

"Oh come on y/n it's not like that! It's just a photo from our ice cream date? Or... can I call it a date?" Senpai's voice wavered with uncertainty for the last part. "Whatever, you'll see!"

You felt your phone ding as it was Senpai texting you the alleged date photo. It was a selfie of him with y/n in the background biting their clown ice cream.

"W- when- why- who where- what?!?" Y/n was too stunned to speak. Did he really sneak a photo of you two? Or were they just too focused on the ice cream to notice?

They could hear Senpai laughing on the phone. "Oh, that reminds me y/n. Since we kind of walked out on classes yesterday, would you like to study with me today after school so we can catch up with our missed work? I think we'll get it done faster that way, don't you think?"

Y/n thought for a moment, considering this trade offer. It seemed reasonable, they could get the answers or the work without having to think too much at the cost of sitting with Senpai, perhaps they could even make progress with the stupid dare that way. "Sure, sounds good to me." They had calmed down a smidge and tried rationality for once. This couldn't go worse than this week has already gone... right..?

Senpai x reader (Friday night funkin) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now