Do you dare? Part 13: No fair!

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It was Saturday and Senpai was frantically scrolling through his phone. He wasn't too sure how to prepare himself for a carnival. Especially since he asked y/n to go with him. If only he had the balls to actually ask y/n what he should wear or bring to a carnival, but he was overconfident in his abilities to make good decisions, so now everything was on him. Not only that, but the way he went about asking made it seem like a date, and if y/n thought it was a date, he'd have to be adequately prepared as well.

Speaking of y/n, he wasn't too sure why y/n had drawn him in like this. Yes, they were a curious creature, and very confusing, but something about them made Senpai want to know more.

"Y/n..." Senpai looked out his window at their house. "You're like a meme I don't understand that keeps appearing in my for you page..."

Meanwhile with y/n, they'd finally gotten home. Now that they were recognized as gamer of the year, having beaten every fan of Senpai's who tried to disapprove them, it was time to fight against some people who weren't chumps.

When the shreksophone started going off, y/n groaned. It was best for them to sleep now rather than risk oversleeping again, hopefully they wouldn't be haunted by Senpai in their dreams once more.

~~yippee time skip brought to you by sleep~~

Morning had rolled around and while y/n was cozy in bed getting their beauty sleep, Senpai was stressing. He had laid out several outfits on what to wear the night before and thought he'd just decide on a whim in the morning, but that wasn't happening, and he couldn't give in to asking y/n for help because not only would his pride be hurt, but his surprise and chances of blowing y/n away would be lost.

Senpai had no clue when or why he became such a try-hard, but it was happening and he couldn't stop it. He had always been something of a perfectionist though, so this wasn't too odd, right?

Eventually after constant debates and changing several times, Senpai had settled on an outfit Barry Bee Benson style and went with a slightly crisper take on his usual that surely wouldn't be a mistake.

Making his way around the corner, he approached y/n's house and checked his watch. It was still early, like 8:30 early, so maybe they weren't awake, but it was better than being late. As he carefully approached the door, Senpai took a deep breath and knocked. Of course there was no response cause it was so early, so he waited and knocked again, then waited and knocked again like a mad lad.

Eventually, not wanting to think he was too weak for his knocks to come through, Senpai called y/n. Surely at least the ringtone from his call would reach the interior crocodile alligator of the house. 

Y/n however, had awoken already and was disassociating too hard to hear any knocks on the door. When the silly goofy cat video on their phone was interrupted by an incoming call from Senpai, they couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. They would never experience watching the cat video from start to finish with the completely ignorant mindset they had seconds earlier. What a tragedy.

Upon picking up the phone y/n was greeted by Senpai immediately. "Good morning y/n! I'm outside your house! I know it's still rather early, but I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat before heading to the fair?

Y/n couldn't control their morning attitude and groaned softly. "Morning... also outside of my house? No way-" heading to check a window, they saw Senpai from above, just standing there on the porch, kinda scary...

Not noticing that, Senpai continued talking as per usual. "Well y/n, I just wanted to let you know in case. Hope you can head down soon, I researched a cafe nearby the fair where we can eat together and maybe discuss our plans for it?"

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