Do you dare? Part 12: Changes

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🦐: I keep finding myself reusing the Karma joke ever since I found a cover with Gumi and it played on loop for some reason please forgive me I'm going insane.

It was the weekend, or so they thought. Y/n had woken up at 11:35am, finally having peaceful dreams for once until the cold embrace of reality set in when they checked their phone and see a screen filled with notifications.

"Huh?" They squinted as they skimmed the context, only getting more panicked by the second. There were a bunch of messages from Lem asking where they were and why they were ditching without him- and then there were also messages and missed calls from Senpai?!?

The more they scrolled through the notifications, the more the horrors set in, they could basically hear the circus music creeping in as they realized they've gotten too silly.

"Shit! Fuck! Crap!!! Shrimp! Duck! Crab!!! " Y/n tried to use every curse in their vocabulary which wasn't really that many, but still quite a foul string of words as they rushed like an anime school girl to get to school. How could they be so careless? Did the calendar lie or something?!?

Regardless, y/n probably shouldn't have stayed up late roasting tiktoks of Jojo Siwa's choreography... Karma really was a bitch.

~~timeskip to y/n's grand arrival to school~~

At last they had arrived, gasping for air, looking like they had just ran a marathon, but arrived nonetheless. Now the hard part, opening the door and walking in during the middle of class... if they were smart about this, and nobody had taken their seat, y/n could just scurry from the back door into their place. Yeah, that sounded feasible...

Upon opening the door, y/n felt the handle moving on its own and revealed Senpai on the other side. "Oh hi y/n." He seemed a bit more... distant than usual...

Senpai headed out of the classroom, leaving them standing at the door for a moment before shaking their head and rushing in to take their seat. Hopefully oversleeping didn't completely undo all the work they had done to get close with the guy, it would be such a pain... for the challenges sake, yeah.

Eventually Senpai came back into the classroom, he was sitting in his usual seat in the front by the window, y/n sitting several seats behind him in the back row. Something about the way the sun felt through the window felt so warm and cozy, causing y/n to drift off.

"Y/n?" They heard a familiar voice and felt a nudge on their shoulder along with a strange sense of deja vu, as if this has happened before, maybe in another universe.

Feeling the urge to just bury themselves deeper in their arms and tell him to go away, but also something stopped them and they looked up to see Senpai with a worried expression. "Huh...?"

"You dummy, did you oversleep? I didn't see you walking to school at your usual time, you didn't show up to any of the morning classes... I thought we ended off on a good note yesterday when you said 'see you tomorrow' and then you just didn't show up!" It was odd seeing Senpai pour his feelings out like this, but it wasn't right to stop him and start roasting him. After all, toxic masculinity still runs rampant, and that would just be cruel.

"Geez I'm sorry Senpai I..." Y/n could practically feel the dialogue options swirling around them, whether to tell the truth, maybe a half truth, or a diversion, maybe they could just pull a lie out of their ass- ah- time was up and they panicked and chose something without thinking.

"The shadow wizard money gang  was calling for me... we love casting spells"

A solid period of silence followed, causing y/n to instantly regret the words that came out of their mouth. If only they could grab them and stuff them back in- wait was Senpai... laughing?

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