Chapter 57 - Gra Valkas Threatening Celestina

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The Gra Valkas Empire, Imperial Capital Ragna, Imperial Palace, 19th November 1526 / 227

The Gra Valkas Empire's officials that the Emperor's Office assigns to Leifor are attending the conference held by Emperor Gralux. The goal of the conference is to threaten the Celestina Empire by making Mu their hostage. If Celestina threatens back, the Gra Valkas Empire will mobilize their army to the war.

The participants are:

· Commander of the Eastern Fleet, Fleet Admiral Caesar.

· Commander of the Imperial Judgment Force, Admiral Mirkenses.

· Commander of the Imperial Defense, Siegs.

· Information Bureau Officer, Hamidall.

· Information Bureau, Naguano.

· Director of Foreign Affairs Leifor Branch, Gesta.

· Vice-Director/Chief Diplomat of Otherworld Leifor Branch, Cielia.

· Vice-Chief Diplomat of Otherworld Leifor Branch, Dallas.

· Commander-in-chief of Second Civilization Conquest Army, Walther Dietrich.

· Other officials.

The topic of the discussion is the Celestina Empire and threatening Mu. If the Gra Valkas Empire succeeds in making Mu surrender by the sheer numbers of the ground army, they can use it as a bargaining chip to coerce Celestina. Little did they realize, the Zealots have wiretapped their conversation as they have placed a hidden camera to identify each of them, and the Main Council, Main Advisor, and the Eclipse Empire's Royalty are listening.

The announcer opens the meeting, "We will now begin the meeting to discuss how to conquer Mu and threaten Celestina."

Gralux looks at the report provided by Naguano and Caesar. It seems Celestina possesses more sophisticated technology than they thought. "How could on Earth an Empire where the citizens are adventurers able to make the technology like this!? That's presumptuous!"

Gralux's words shook Hamidall body for a while, but later, he shows the photograph taken by one of the Gra Valkas Empire spies who managed to infiltrate the Celestina Empire.

"This is the photograph that was taken by one of our spies when they entered Celestina months ago... People of Celestina call it the trial to S League. We also have the camera ready to roll it, should these findings do not convince Your Grace. Some of our spies took this photo every three minutes. We can infiltrate Celestina because we maintain our neutrality and prevent any actions that can catch the attention of the Celestina Intelligence Agency, known as the CIISA, and the Zealots.

We expect that they allow us to get as many intel as possible, as long as we didn't come into contact or hire one of the Celestina locals to do our job."

Emperor Gralux, Caesar, and other officials look at the pictures taken by their spies one after another. It displays Celestina's national power that reaches the height where the Gra Valkas Empire can't reach. Cielia looks at the picture with cold sweat, as what she saw in the vision seems true if the Gra Valkas Empire continues its campaign for world domination. Gralux and the others are looking at the pictures as they found something terrifying about Celestina.

The national power, its technology, the civilians, and its military, everything is beyond what they can expect. Celestina can dominate all other countries when they want to, but some primary question lingers on them. How could an adventurer-based country be able to rise into a state of Superpower? How were they able to gain so much fortune with a single primary job, adventurer?

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