Chapter 11

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I stopped in my tracks when I walked into the kitchen the next morning to find the woman Nicholas had fucked last night

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I stopped in my tracks when I walked into the kitchen the next morning to find the woman Nicholas had fucked last night.

Nicholas sat at the dining table with his laptop in front of him, and a cup of coffee next to him, acting like she didn't exist. What the fuck was going on here?

"What are you doing?" I asked, leveling the woman with a glare.

She was a brunette with gray eyes, and slender curves like that of a model's. I noticed this because she had on a tight dress that hugged every curve on her body.

"I'm the housekeeper. I'm Lenny." She held her hand out to me. "Did you sleep well last night? Pasta and tiramisu as a dessert, was it? I can only assume it didn't turn out great. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been in the trash."

I would've considered being the bigger person and accepted the handshake after what she just said, if only she didn't have a smug smile on her face, reminding me of the look on her face when I caught her with Nicholas last night.

She wasn't even remorseful. No, she wanted to rub it in. If she wanted to be petty, then two could play that game, and I'd show her I'd always win every single fucking time.

"The housekeeper, right?" I ignored her outstretched hand, taking a seat at the dining table with the chair turned outward to face Lenny. "I see you handled the dishes in the sink. After cooking and baking for over six hours, I forgot to wash them."

Nicholas finally looked up from his laptop, and in my peripheral, I saw him looking at me, but I ignored him.

"It's part of my job," Lenny replied with a forced smile.

I unlocked my phone, pretending like I was scrolling through messages. "Sara messaged me a few minutes ago. She said she's going to be late."


"Since you're a paid staff in this house, why don't you cook something for me?"

I was dressed for my workout session, and I had no plans to eat whatever she prepared, but she didn't have to know that. She was being a bitch, and I was only keeping the same energy.

The corners of Lenny's mouth tightened. "I'm sorry, but that isn't a part of my job description."

"And I could have sworn fucking my husband wasn't a part of the job, but oh well." I shrugged nonchalantly. "It seems like you like taking on more jobs than your description states."

Lenny's mouth dropped open, and her eyes sought Nicholas like he was going to stand up for her.

"What are you looking at, Lenny? Get to work. I want some bacon and eggs, and while you're at it, I want a green smoothie." I held out my bottle to her. "Chop chop."

She snatched the bottle out of my hand, glaring at me before setting to work on breakfast. She murmured to herself all the while through the task.

She was displeased she had to cook for me, but since she got no backup from Nicholas, there was nothing she could do about it.

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