Chapter 56

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"Okay, what's the problem?" Nicholas asked, sitting on his haunches on the bed. He stared down at me with his brows pinched in worry.

"Hm?" I asked, forcing a confused look on my face to throw him off. I wasn't sure how to approach him with the Faith and Marcello situation yet.

"You're not acting like yourself. I asked you how your day was three times, and you wouldn't even meet my eyes when you replied," he pointed out, not buying the confused act I was trying to put on. "What's wrong? Did Gemma do something?"

"No!" I protested. "Gemma is an amazing person. Nothing happened."

He scoffed. "I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes, but you've barely been paying attention to me. What's on your mind?"

"Sulky?" I teased, reaching for his hand.

He pinned me with a stern glare. God, how did I used to find his glares anything but sexy? "I'm serious, Giselle. What happened? You weren't like this when I left this morning."

"That's probably because I just woke up?"

He arched a brow at me. "If you need something from me, I won't actually be able to help if you don't tell me."

He had me right there.

"I want you to let Marcello go," I blurted out before I could second-guess myself again.

The frown on his face deepened. "And how do you know I have Marcello?"

I sat up, moving forward so I was mirroring his position. "I met his girlfriend. She was a mess, Niko. Father beat her mercilessly, and she's pregnant." The earlier disgust I felt returned. How could people be so vile? How could he not care about the child in her womb."That's the only reason Marcello agreed to do their bidding."

"You met his girlfriend?!" He barked, his eyes filling with rage. Shit. "Where the fuck was Evander?"

He tried to slide off the bed, but my hand shot out, clamping down on his forearm. I needed to get things under control before he totally lost his shit. "Hey, calm down."

"His girlfriend got to you. Anyone else could have gotten to you. How are you not seeing the fucking problem here? I could have lost you for a second time all because I had a fucking enforcer who didn't know how to do his job," he said, his voice raw with an indecipherable emotion as fury slowly bled into his eyes.

"Calm down," I repeated, my hands moving up to cup either side of his face so I could look him in the eye. "Let me explain before you lose your shit. None of this is Evander's fault. I went to use the washroom." I explained everything to him, and when I was done, the tension in his shoulder significantly lessened.

"Marcello wasn't lying," he mused.


"His girlfriend is right," he admitted. "I do have Marcello, and his story checks out with his girlfriend's," he explained.

Oh no! "Then we have to let him go!"

Nicholas fixed me with a look that said he thought I was insane. "Fuck no, babe. He's a threat to your life."

"He's not. You heard what his girlfriend said. They want to leave all this behind."

"Doesn't change the fact that he kidnapped you and killed my men."

"I'm not trying to excuse what Marcello did, but he was following orders. His father could very well be the one who ordered those men to abduct me. Sometimes, we need to give people a chance. Marcello and Faith deserve it."

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