Chapter 46

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"Ah, shit. Bad choice of clothing," Matteo said, as I walked up to the front door.

"It's fucking cold out, and it's late. Tell me you didn't expect me to wear a fucking suit," I said with a snort.

"No, but you could have chosen a sweatshirt with a hood. You have a love bite on your neck. Not one you can hide." He pointed to the right side of his neck, and I brought my hand up to touch mine. Must be from when she bit me earlier tonight. My little firecracker wasn't afraid of leaving her mark on my skin.

I cleared my throat, shaking my head before my thoughts went off track any further. "That's none of their business."

"It's not, but you know Luigi doesn't like Giselle, or you, for that matter, but there's dick he can do about it. When you weren't picking up any of your calls, he said it was all Giselle's fault. Turns out he was right. You two were fucking."

"She's my wife. What the fuck does he expect?"

"He expects you to never put her before the Family. His words, not mine. It gave him ammunition to dig deeper into what he said about Giselle holding the balls in your marriage. According to him, all it takes is a little pussy to tame you."

I huffed. The bastard was lucky tragedy befell his family tonight. I wouldn't have hesitated to make good use of his son's knives. "Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Might as well fuck her, so he has something to talk about."

"Don't be a dick tonight. You're the Capo. You're supposed to sympathize with them."

"If he doesn't push my buttons tonight, I'll leave here without putting a hole in anyone's body. Deal?"

Matteo chuckled, pushing the door open. "You're incorrigible."

He led me to the living room where Luigi and the rest of the made men waited for me.

"Un-fucking-believable." Luigi's second son shot off his chair like a raging bull, glaring at me with hatred and barely contained rage in his eyes. He squared up to me, his hands curled into fists by his side. "My mother was getting bullets fished out of her while you were busy fucking that cheap slut you call a wife?"

"Salvatore!" Adriano hissed, staring his little brother down. "Show some fucking respect. He's our capo."

"No!" Salvatore shouted, his eyes glowing with defiance. "If you call ass-kissing showing respect, then yeah, I'm fucking disrespectful. First, he stabs Father ruthlessly, and now, he doesn't even have the fucking decency to show up on time, all because he was fucking his wife."

"That is enough from you, Sal..."

I held a hand up to stop Adriano. "Let the boy speak his mind. He clearly has a few things to get off his chest." I turned to Salvatore, giving him a nod to go on. "Go on."

Salvatore stood tall, trying to look intimidating even though I had four or so inches on him. He had some bulk on him for his age, though. "Father was right. You've lost your way as the capo of this family. Uncle Jacopo was never like this. I'm sure he'd be embarrassed to see the type of capo you turned out to be. Letting Fanelli scum lead you around by your dick." He spat at my feet. "Mi fai schifo, maledetto codardo! I'm glad your mom..."

Oh, hell fucking no. I cocked my fist back, dealing a hard punch to his jaw. He didn't expect my punch, so he crashed to the floor.

"Wanna fucking repeat that?" I crouched in front of him, whipping out my gun, which I pressed to his temple before he could move a muscle. "Seems like you know a lot about running this family. Why don't you educate me more on how I'm supposed to run this shit? Go on. Daddy's watching you."

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