Chapter 28

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"Why did you go ask my father about Gianna's death?" Giselle asked, her frame filling my doorway.

I got a message from one of my men that she refused to get her art supplies, but she kept asking them to drive around until she felt like returning to the house.

I could only assume she had a run-in with her parents, and it hadn't been pleasant.

"And what made you think you could barge into my office?" I shot back, leaning back in my chair.

I realized it was a bad idea to have fucked her in my office because the place that served as a working place for me was now filled with memories of me thrusting into her while she dug her nails into my skin, leaving her mark on my body, my soul.

Cazzo, my mind was getting off track fast.

"Answer the question, Nicholas. What did you want to find out that you don't already know?"

"I went to find out what happened that night," I admitted.

"I killed her. End of story. There's nothing else to find out."

I frowned. What the fuck did her parents do to her with just one visit? She had never said something like this before.

Matteo was having a hard time tracking Giselle's therapist down, but as long as we had a name, it didn't matter how long it'd take me to find her. I had to get to the bottom of everything.

I arched an unimpressed brow at her. "Now you're admitting to your crimes?"

She shrugged. "Seems like it. You might wanna ramp up your attempts at making my life miserable."

"I don't have to. You're married to me, no?"

She huffed. "And you feel like that is punishment enough."

"You catch on fast."

She shook her head at me. "At this point, you're only saying that to convince yourself."

"You blew your only chance to leave the house today."

Eduardo had begun sniffing around, and from the news that got back to me, he was finding a way to get my supplier. No one knew about Vlad's betrayal yet, so that was sure to keep Eduardo busy for a while. If he found Vlad, even better. I'd get my hands on the son of a bitch.

"When next do I get to leave, husband? Next year?" She mocked.

I glared at her, and in typical Giselle fashion, she looked unfazed. I was losing my touch with her. "With this attitude of yours, it might as well be."

"Whatever," she mumbled before turning on her heels and walking out of my office.


I sat patiently for the arrival of my guest. I was a stickler for being on time when it came to important business, but since my request was impromptu, I'd let it slide.

An extra ten minutes passed before I heard the clicking of heels on the floor as my guest made her way to my office on the third floor of the building.

Sinister was disguised as a dance club, and sure that was what it was on the lower floor, but a floor above that was where the real cash raked in. A casino that had been the pride and joy of my father before his demise.

The third floor served as rooms for a few of the soldiers that worked both on the bottom floor and the second floor. On the fourth and final floor was a penthouse I spent some nights in when I had a lot of things to do, and I couldn't spare the time to go home.

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