Chapter 59

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Trigger Warning: suicide attempt.



"We should make some cupcakes together!" I announced, earning an amused look from Sara.

What could I say? I was bored out of my mind. I'd do anything to keep myself entertained, including trying my hand at something I knew I sucked at.

We'd both fawned over the new house for over thirty minutes until my stomach growled in hunger. That had effectively put an end to the tour, because Sara had insisted she wanted to make me some breakfast. Which was what she was currently doing while I stared at the news playing on TV in the kitchen absentmindedly.

"Cupcakes, huh? Where did that come from?"

"I guess I've been craving it. I can get started with it. Just give me the instructions. Does Niko like cupcakes?"

"I wouldn't know. He's never requested it in the past."

I shrugged, hopping off the stool. "He'll eat it, anyway. Especially if we make it blueberry," I added with a grin.

It was an inside joke I didn't expect her to understand, but she smiled nonetheless.

"Things have improved between you two, hm? I knew things would eventually be okay between you two."

I laughed, gathering my hair away in my face in a ponytail. "You didn't!"

She waved me off. "Of course I did, child. I'm older and wiser. Underneath all that harshness, I knew there was still a good man in there. His mama raised him right."

"That she did."

"If there was anyone who was going to thaw the ice around his heart, I knew it was always going to be you."

"We're getting ahead of ourselves here. We aren't quite there yet."

Sara huffed. "Nonsense. You care for him, don't you?"

I nodded, my lips splitting into a smile. "A lot more than you could ever imagine."

"Oh, my." Sara beamed at me. "Tu sei innamorato."

"You think so?"

"It's written all over your face. Have you told him?"

I nibbled on my bottom lip. "No. I'm still figuring things out in my head. I don't know if I really love him."

"But there are feelings, no?" I nodded. "You'll figure it out, mia cara. Let's get started on those cupcakes, ?"

". Tell me what to do."

We spent the next few hours making the batter for the cupcakes and getting everything into the oven. I ate my breakfast in between.

"They smell delicious," I gushed as Sara pulled out the first batch from the oven.

"We have to let these cool down before we decorate them."

"Do you think I'll be able to send some to Kiara? She'd love these. She's so adorable."

"Sure. We'll see what Ni..."

"Hold that thought," I said when my phone buzzed on the counter.


Calls with her never ended well. Last time was a testament to that, but a tiny part of me - the part that secretly yearned for her approval - wanted to hear what she had to say, so I picked up the call, pressing my phone to my ear.

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