Chapter 70

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I was staring at a ghost. It had to be. There was no way she was real.

I attended her funeral.

I cried at her gravesite.

I constantly stopped by with flowers before I left for France.


She still sounded like herself. How was that possible? The lights over the porch washed over her. She was about two or three inches taller. Her once long brown hair was now dyed blonde. She was skinnier, too.

Her fingers were long and bony, and she looked like a violent wind could pick her up and throw her to the side. What happened to her? More importantly, how did she survive?


I walked down the porch steps, standing a few feet away from her. "Are- are you real?" I stammered.

She bobbed her head, tears lining her eyes. "I am."

She was real. It was her. That was her voice.

I flew into her arms, hugging her tight. She laughed, wrapping her arms around me. My eyes fell shut as I buried my face in her neck. For years, I thought she was dead. For years, I wished the accident had taken my life instead.

I pulled back, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "Where have you been? I thought you were dead. What happened to you? Lucia and Gregorio-"

"Gianna," a tiny, sleepy voice said before a little boy walked out from behind Gianna.

This was the child the guard had talked about. He didn't look like he was older than five.

Relief coursed through my veins, and I immediately felt guilty. This wasn't about me. Gianna was here. She was alive.

She smiled down at the boy. "This is my son. Orion, say hi to Auntie Elle."

"Hi," he mumbled with a tiny wave.

I crouched in front of him with a smile, holding my hand out in front of him. "Hi, little guy. I'm your Auntie Elle."

He stared at my hand for a long while before looking up at his mother, as though he was silently asking for her permission.

"Orion is wary of strangers," she explained with a little laugh. She ruffled his hair. "Go on, O. You can shake her hand."

He slipped his tiny hand into mine, and I beamed at him.

"Did your Mama tell you about me?" I asked, tickling his tummy. "We were thick as thieves when we were little. She wouldn't leave my side. Are you hungry?"

He looked up at Gianna again.

"Yes, Orion!" she snapped with an exasperated sigh. "She's your auntie. She won't hurt you."

"Don't yell at him, Gianna," I chastised. "I understand that he's wary around strangers. I think it's a good thing. Security consciousness and all. We can fix that soon, and he'll understand I'm not a threat to him. Right, O?" I tickled his tummy again.

He nodded.

"That's a good boy."

I swept him into my arms, making my way to the front door. "Come on, let's go get you two some food. You must be tired."

Cara was already standing beside the door by the time we got there, and all she exchanged with Gianna was a curt nod before she turned her attention to Orion. I'd have to ask what that was about later.

"This is her son?" She asked, smiling at Orion. "He doesn't look like he's old enough to be Nicholas's son."

"Cara!" I hissed with a glare, covering Orion's ears.

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