Chapter 35

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I stared at my phone, contemplating between picking up my mother's call or hanging up. The smart decision would be to hang up on her. It was Lucia Fanelli, after all. She never had anything positive to say, but then again, a part of me was curious. What could she possibly want?

I pressed my phone to my ear, heaving a sigh. "Yes, Mother?"

"Took you long enough," she began, her tone sour.

"I was busy in the kitchen," I lied.

"Busy doing what? Eating everything you can get your hands on?"

"I was in the middle of preparing dinner."

"Right," she drawled. "Try not to burn Niko's kitchen down. He won't be as forgiving as I am."

It was laughable how they all labeled Nicholas the monster when he was far from that. He wouldn't even think about doing half the things my parents did to the people they brought into this world. They were the real monsters for getting me married to a person they perceived as a monster.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked, eager to get to the point.

"A dutiful daughter wouldn't forget her father's birthday, but here we are." She sighed like she had any right to be disappointed. "Even though you caused us so much shame at the ball, it would be an even bigger disgrace if you didn't attend his party tomorrow. Lots of important people will be there."

I rolled my eyes. The things she said and did to 'salvage' the image they painted to the public. "A bigger disgrace for whom exactly? I don't have a problem staying at home." I had TV and ice cream to keep me company through the night. Father's birthday equaled socializing, and socializing equaled fake smiles and hours of torture in heels.

"Giselle!" She hissed through gritted teeth. "Do not embarrass this family. You hear me?"

"Last time I checked, you married me off to the big, bad bear, and in case you were wondering, he isn't losing sleep over father's birthday. I have the right to choose not to attend."

"You will not disgrace me like this. You'll attend your father's wedding with the expensive diamond ring Nicholas bought you the other day. I'll send a stylist if need be."

I burst into laughter, and I could just imagine her face the shade of a tomato. "Have you been drinking? You have no right to tell me what to put on my body. Hell, Nicholas doesn't even have that right, and according to you, he's supposed to be a controlling ass."

"Giselle, I do not want to argue with you. Consider this as your apology after embarrassing your father the other day. Eduardo will be there. I already pleaded with him on your behalf. You can even make peace with him."

"I am not making peace with Eduardo. As for attending, we'll have to see about that."

She must have noticed the finality in my tone because she sighed again. "Whatever you want, daughter of mine," she said, sarcasm rolling off each word. "Marrying you off to Nicholas has to be one of Gregorio's biggest mistakes," she mumbled to herself. "You weren't this mouthy, and you were slightly tolerable."

"Why? Because I can finally speak up for myself with no fear of you marrying me off to men like Eduardo, Gregorio made a mistake? Do you feel threatened now that I have a say over what happens to me?"

"Wear your marriage privilege proudly while it lasts," she seethed. "It's only a matter of time before everything ends. Nicholas will eventually lose interest. In case you've forgotten, Gianna was always his first choice."

She hung up before I could say a word - not that I had anything to say. She always had to get the last word in, and this one hit its intended mark.


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