Chapter 26

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"You two had sex? What happened to him hating you?" Raquel asked after I relayed everything that happened last night to her

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"You two had sex? What happened to him hating you?" Raquel asked after I relayed everything that happened last night to her.

I needed someone to talk to about it, and I felt like Cara was too young to talk about my sex life with me. It didn't matter that she was already eighteen. She was still my baby sister. Plus, it'd be embarrassing.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It just kinda happened. Nothing was planned."

"It just kinda happened? Were you guys casually talking, and you were like, 'hey, wanna fuck?'" She burst into uncontrollable laughter at her joke.

"Raquel," I hissed, my cheeks flaming up in embarrassment even though she couldn't see me. "It's not funny."

"Sorry. I couldn't resist making fun of the situation."

"Yeah, yeah. Just know I'm returning the favor when the same situation arises in your life."

"Hate to break it to you, but that's not possible, Elle. Me getting married to a mafia boss who hates me is out of my realm of reality. Same thing with a broke guy thinking I'm with him because I'm a gold digger. There's no gold to dig."

I couldn't help but laugh at her outburst. "We're never not gonna stop the Ciaran slander, are we?"

"Never," she agreed. "A girl being with him just for money is a problem he never has to deal with."

Raquel and Ciaran dated for two years, and she caught him cheating days before a mini vacation they planned together. His excuse for cheating was that she was a gold digger. According to him, if they weren't really in love with each other, he didn't see the problem.

That was months ago, and Raquel swore off relationships since then. She had been in love with him, and he cut her badly. I wouldn't want to experience such heartbreak for a second time if I were in her shoes.

"Well, maybe he has a sparkling personality?" I teased.

Raquel snorted, and I could just imagine her eye roll. "Sparkling personality, my ass. He's an ass, and he still lets his mom coddle him like he's five. I wonder how I was blind to all of this."

"He was packing down there?"

She laughed. "Well, take this as advice to never stick around for dick."

It was my turn to snort. "There's no dick to stick around for."

"I believe a certain man whose name starts with an N and ends with an S would beg to differ."

"That's never happening."

"Why not?"

"I think he regrets it."

"Why? Did he say that to you?"


Raquel inhaled deeply. "Oh, my God. Have you even seen this man this morning?"

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