Chapter 22

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I shot a murderous glare at Nicolo as he danced with his arms around Giselle

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I shot a murderous glare at Nicolo as he danced with his arms around Giselle. He even had the guts to smile at her, and she smiled back at him.

"Women can never be satisfied, huh?"

I looked up when I heard Gregorio's sleazy voice.

A smart man would have gotten the hint when I glared at him, but Gregorio lowered himself to Giselle's vacated seat.

"Imagine getting her a ring that cost you twenty-five million dollars, and she still flirts with other men. Take a look at that smile. And her dress?" He shook his head.

I pinned him with one of my dark stares that had men shaking in fear. It worked. "She looks beautiful in it, I know. I see nothing wrong with the way she's dressed."

I wouldn't stand for anyone calling Giselle loose because she danced with another man. Especially not from this idiot sitting in front of me.

"If you say so. I suggest you put a tighter leash on her. It'd be disrespectful to you if she sleeps around like a cheap, used whore."

Right. Like it wasn't the 'cheap, used whores' he cheated on his wife with.

"I don't know what you think this marriage is, but I certainly do not parent every action Giselle takes. She can smile at any man she wants. That doesn't mean she doesn't know who she's married to." I was telling both Gregorio and myself. "Since when did we meddle in each other's families? It seems you've forgotten your place."

Gregorio's face reddened in mortification. "I'm sorry, Nicholas. Pardon my slip-up. How is the injury on your side doing?"

I tensed for a nanosecond before arching a brow at him. "From what incident?" I asked. No one knew I had to get stitched before the wedding. How did Gregorio get to find out about it?

The snitch again.

Cristo, when I got my hand on whoever it was, the person would go through a slow, torturous death. Ivan was just an example.

He flashed me a malicious smile. "The one that happened two weeks before the wedding. Bullet wound, was it?"

It wasn't a bullet wound, but I played along. "It has healed nicely. Thank you for your concern, Gregorio."

He rose to his feet, holding his hand out to me. "Any time. Congratulations on your win."

I gave his hand a scathing look, and he quickly withdrew it. "Thank you," I said instead.

He nodded before scurrying off. Good riddance. He needed to be put in his place more often.

When I focused on the dancefloor again, Giselle was gone, and Nicolo was dancing with another woman. She was probably in the bathroom, so I sat put, nodding when several people came to congratulate me on my win.

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