Vol 4 Ch 4: Mixed Training Camp

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Hirano pov:-

On a Thursday morning not too long after the 3rd semester began, several
buses travelled on a highway. The 1st years weren’t the only ones on the
buses. The 2nd years and the 3rd years are also on board. In other words, it’s
a wholesale migration for the entire student body of the school. The bus that we, the 1st years’ Class C, were riding on entered a tunnel and soon afterwards, our ears were assaulted by the sensation of being clogged up.

Where we’re going and what we’ll be doing there are things we haven’t received the slightest bit of explanation on. However, I was already aware since it was a special exam made by Nagumo.

As the Vice-president, I was able to look over the documents and see what he had planned.

Also I had told the class about the cooperative relationship with the new class A.

We were all instructed to wear our jerseys and that it is strongly recommended we prepare several spare jerseys and underwear.

The travel time is about 3 hours, a rather long travel time, and so within
the limits of what’s allowed the students brought with them their favourite
things. Things like cell phones, books and cards or snacks and juice. There were also students amongst them who brought along gaming devices.

“Sorry about cutting your fun short but pipe down.”

Sakagami sensei said that to the students while holding a handheld microphone in his hands.

“I thought you lot might like to know where this bus is going and what we’ll
do then.”

“Of course we’re curious about that. You’re not going to tell me it’s the
uninhabited island again, are you?”

Your wrong Komiya but very close too.

"An exam of that scale isn’t something that can be held frequently. It means we’re not cruel enough to force you into that now that summer’s over for you lot. However, as you may have already inferred, a new special exam will be held. I’ll explain the details of the special exams to you lot.”

Although, I knew about the kind of exam. But the details were still unknown to me.

The fact that the explanation will take place in the bus means that from this point onwards, it’s possible to prepare
countermeasures to a certain extent or I’ll at least have the chance to do so.

Since we were still in motion, it’s forbidden to carelessly get up from your seat but inside the bus, one’s voice will easily reach everyone. If you use a phone then it’s possible to talk only with a specific person.

“From this point onwards, you will be taken to an outdoors school deep in a
certain mountain. In all likelihood, we’ll arrive at our destination before
another hour passes. The shorter the explanation takes the more of a ‘grace
period’ you will have available.”

So this means there’s approximately
one hour to go until the special exam

Even if it takes 20 minutes to conduct the explanation that still leaves 40
minutes. That much time would be left for me to formulate a strategy in
regards to the special exam. That’s probably what he meant by ‘grace

“Isn’t outdoors school something you attend in the summer?”

The mountains we can see from the highway are still covered in white snow.

A question came forth from Soga, who’s an expert when it comes to mountains from his time as a Cadet.  That's a story for another time. Honestly, I was shocked, but it explained his high physical ability which in our class was only second to Albert.

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