Vol 5 Ch 8: Goodbye Senpai.

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Hirano pov:-

Soon after grade 3 students come out of the celebration party of gratitude
and thanks.

In short, I was in a state of waiting for them.

Be it grade 1 or grade 2 students, it seems like they become tense when
the time is getting closer.

Some of the third grade students today, immediately after the graduation
ceremony there will be those who leave school to start a new journey.

In it there may be students who want to convey a variety of feelings that have not been able to say until now.

How many people are there...? There are at least a hundred people that can
be seen by my eyes.

"I knew you would be here too." I heard a voice call out to me.

"Soga? You here to say goodbye to the third years aswell?"

Soga looked at me with a cheeky smile and replied "Naturally, I have got alot of senpais that I need to say goodbye to. What about you? I don't remember you being close with any third years."

"Horikita senpai and Tachibana senpai. They have helped me alot since I joined the council. Naturally I want to say goodbye to them."

"I see. That makes sense."

As we were talking, The 'Celebration of Gratitude and Thanks' was over, the door finally opened.

Looks like the graduation ceremony is completely over.

Now this is the only chance for graduates and students to interact with one last time in this place.

Grade 3 students appear one after another, after disbanding. Many of them look radiant, but some don't smile at all.

Is that because you feel lonely leaving school? Or because you can't
graduate as a class A student?

If it belongs to the latter, then most students are not surprised to show a
sad expression.

Although I caught a glimpse of the facial expressions of students who are
not class A looks cheerful.

"What do you think...?"
I asked Soga about the situation.

"Even though a shortcut to your dream is not achieved, you can still make
the path yourself. Whether it's going to university or finding a job, if you have the ability, without any privileges, I think you will work to make it happen. But then again, you can't help but be a little sad. After all, there are only a few that would actually like to work hard. Sadly, I am not one of them." Soga answered me with a grin.

Although that may be us someday, we still plan to do everything it takes to reach class A. And I know Soga feels the same.

The journey of life will continue without stopping.

Most students will face reality and from now on they will continue to decide what path in the future to take.

In other words, it's not strange to spend this magnificent event in an impressive way.

Some students return directly to the dormitory without getting involved
with others, but most of them stop their footsteps.

The marks they left in 3 years should be said to be visible here.

The remaining graduates, Horikita Manabu who was once the student
council president was also there.

Around Horikita senpai, 2nd grade students hurried to call him.

"Will I even get a chance to talk to him?"

As the Student Council President, and also the man who continues to be a
Class A Student.

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