Unexpected Invite

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Justin’s Point of View

“Bills.” I mumbled underneath my breath placing the letter towards the back of the scattered stack of mail. “Junk.” I rolled my eyes at the waste of paper. “Bil- wait what’s this?” I scrunched my nose up in confusion as I analyzed the peach colored envelope. The mailing address seemed to be familiar, but unfortunately I couldn’t put a finger on where I may have seen it before. I flipped the envelope over to see it was sealed with decorative sticker. Not really having concerned about the quality of the letter but what‘s inside, I instantly ripped it open without much care and read the fancy typed print to myself: 

Dear Justin Bieber,

You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of

Lily Alyssa Hale


Scott Samuel “Scooter” Braun

We request to have your presence at the marriage ceremony along with a significant other.

Also take part as being one of the best men.

On Saturday 

June 7, 2014

At one o’ clock.

A traditional Jewish wedding located:

Museum At Eldridge Street 

12 Eldridge Street

New York

R.S.V.P (212) 219-0888

It’s at your best interests if you’re apart of the wedding to show up two weeks earlier at the address above for rehearsals.

Stuffing the invitation back into the ripped enveloped. I swiftly made my way back into my home sending the letter flying across the room thinking careless to where it lands. Preferably into a shredder would be more of a suitable place.

I slouched down onto the couch with both fist bawled to hoist up my chin. I shook my head bitterly while allowing what I just read to sink in. I knew this day would come, but as time evolved I was hoping that I would be left out the picture.

Maybe miraculously my name would be left off the guest list. That way I wouldn’t have to endure watching Lily walk down the isle to Scooter as I stood behind him whispering the fakest words of appreciation one could muster into his ear.

I wanted nothing more than to be forgotten. And I thought I made it perfectly clear. Looks like someone didn’t get the memo.

I ran a hand along my face with a prickling numb sensation washing over me. I looked back down at the letter facing upward on the floor with Lily’s name wrote in perfect italic peeking out at me. I immediately had a flash back to our final moment together:

“What-” I cut Lily off in mid sentence by placing my lips to hers. Taking a moment to feel the fluffiness and texture one last time. She melted underneath my touch as she regained consciousness by allowing her fingers to gaze and tickle the back of my neck.

I forcefully plunged my tongue into her mouth without acceptance waiting to be approved. I wanted demonstrate every aspect of what she was going to be missing and overall how much I was going to miss her. Hopefully that could be done out of a simple kiss.

But of course a like this kiss could never be classified as simple. Especially if it’s coming from someone you might not ever see again.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now