Tell Me You Love Me

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Justin’s Point of View

I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the idea of Valerie having feelings for me. Especially when I met her a year ago, she had no interest in wanting a relationship. I never saw her as the type that would like to settle down less known with me of all people. Someone who is still emotionally distressed over a situation that happened a few years ago.

I’ll admit that I shifted most of my burdens about Lily onto Val. Allowing myself to become vulnerable underneath her hold, but never once did I feel an ounce of feelings for her. Of course, I liked her. But never in the same light as she does. After tonight’s dispute, I’m left with the choice of checking into a hotel.

However I have to make a stop before I do.

I’m accompanied with the same old familiar feelings every time come the mansion. You know the ones where your stomach is doing constant flips and your heart is nearly beating out of your chest? Then I remember why I’m here to begin with and those feelings become replaced with hope.

Pressing down on the red button, the pearly white gates opened for my welcome. Driving up the long pathway, I killed the engine and made my way up the stairs carrying only half of what I came with.

Placing a few knocks on the door, I stepped back waiting for a response.

Not even a couple of minutes later the door swung open revealing a rather stunned Lily.

“Lily.” I spoke, in a barely audible voice.

She stood there leaning against the door way taking in me standing before her.

“What are you doing here?” Lily recollected her thoughts to speak.

I was cut short by the voice of Scooter intervening “Whose is at the door?”

Lily pushed closed the door leaving only a small portion of herself left visible.

“It‘s the girls. I‘m going out tonight.” Lily confessed. Which clearly explains her choice of attire.

“Don’t stay out too long. We have last minute wedding plans in the morning.”

“Sure Scott.” Lily rolled her eyes, mumbling a bitter response underneath her breath. Awaiting for the foot steps to fade away, she focused her attention on me.

“As you were saying.”

“Nice outfit.” I arched a brow, trying to lighten the mood while giving myself the courtesy to praise her.

Lily gave a stern look as she forced her arms across her chest enhancing the view of her cleavage. I focused my gaze on the ground deciding to keep all inappropriate comments to myself.

I cleared my threat leaning back and forth onto my feet.

“Fine the reason why I’m here is because I wanted to see you.”

“That doesn’t explain the bag. Did you want to have a sleepover” Lily pointed a finger towards the bag located by my foot.

“That could always be arranged.” I flirted harmlessly causing her to roll her eyes. I sighed turning to a serious note. “Valerie kicked me out.”

Her nonchalant express suddenly began replaced with an eye opening one. “What?” She tossed her hands in the air before they landed firmly onto her hips. “Where are you going to stay?”

“I passed by a hotel on the way here—”

“Are you serious? I’m not going to allow you to stay in a hotel that charges for even breathing the same air as them. You’re always welcomed here.” Lily negotiated. I almost give in till I thought thoroughly about the ends and outs of accept could really mean.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now