Little Things

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Lily’s Point of View 

“Bye Islands you’ve been way too good to me. Hopefully we’ll meet again soon.” I waved sadly away at the crystal blue waters and kissed the perfect weather goodbye. The private jet, another courtesy provided by Justin was sweeping us away, from what I’ve fallen in love with in a short amount of time. It took all of my power not to stay a little bit longer, but I knew I couldn’t run away from life forever. It was good course while it lasted.

I heard mumbling from below me and more than half of my portion of blanket being taken away by Justin who was using me as a human pillow. Letting him have his way, I began keep myself entertained by playing connect the dots with his beauty marks on his scowling face. I sighed. Ever since Jeremy went on a hiatus from the trip, Justin has been taking it way harder than he should. Clearly it wasn’t entirely his fault there had to be a deeper reason behind the matter. One that I wish I knew just so I could make him content again. God knows I’ve tried everything to see him smile ear to ear. 

And since we’re both thinking it, why yes I even tried sex to relax him and open up to me. That only turned into full on brawl of clothes being ripped off and words of angst being tossed around. One of the hottest things I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing, but that’s beside the point. He brings me so much happiness no matter what mood I’m in and I fail to do the same.

“You shouldn’t think too hard you’re only going to stress yourself out.” Pattie removed her reading glasses, placing them flatly on top of her book. She gave her full attention to me.

I slumped, grazing my finger over the small stumble above his lip, “I know but I can’t help but too”

“Give him some time, he will your usual Justin before you know. When he has something on his mind he tends to push away others but you are a special kind. I’ve never seen him connect with someone like the way you do with him. You mean a lot to him and I’m not just saying that.”

I felt the corner of my eyes sting tears of glee. I smiled, “That means an awful lot coming from you.”

“Oh shh, now tell me your secret. I’ve been trying to get through to him for twenty years”

We shared a laugh and I suppose a little too loud for Justin’s likely who woke up groaning a few words underneath his breath. The both of us watched as he stood leaving to go to the private room. And how could I forget about the added effects of the stomping and door being slammed. He’s really starting to dampen my mood, I’ll tell you.

“Are you sure this little plan is going to put him in a better mood?”

Pattie nodded profusely, “Of course, he can never be down in the dumps when he’s around those two.”

I reluctantly agreed and soon abandon my own seat. On the other side of the jet, there was Dad and Tammy cuddled up watching a movie. I awed to myself, a little envious that I wish I was doing the same before disappearing behind the door.

“Justin,” I closed the door behind me, watching as he curled into a ball under the covers flopping over so his back greeting me. Very well, have it your way. I waltz over by his side, ripping the cover from his hold.

“Hey, what the hell!” He groaned, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light.

“You can talk now. Oh it’s a miracle,” I sarcastically quipped, placing my hand on my hip.

He rolled his eyes, plopping the pillow over his head. I let out a long sigh hoping into bed with him, “You know you can’t stay cooped up forever.

“Oh yeah watch” He snatched the cover away and wrapped himself up once again.

“Fine be that way!” I pouted, sitting down.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now