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Lily’s Point of View

Once I was I sure I couldn’t produce anymore tears. I began to put a lot of thought into the cheating scandal. I’ve been presented with many opportunities to confront Scott. And knowing him very well I'm going to get a bullshit version of the story followed by an apology that won’t be sincere.

But I shall not give him the opportunity to explain from his perspective until I know the full story. I have many questions that are vying to be answered. The only person that can provide me with the closure I need before I walk down the aisle is no other than the person who was seduced or did the seducing.

Catherine Monroe.

Shocking? It gets better.

While Scott was away getting his tux fitted with the gentlemen. I slipped into his office very aware of the don’t disturb or knock before entering signs plastered against the doors.

Childish gesture if you ask me. Any who, I lingered around the federal cooperate office like room before I completed the real task of what I entered inside to begin with. lounging around on the leather love seat located in front of the tall bookcase. Pulling out a few flies, running a hand along the key board until my fingers settled upon a heavy phone book.

Flipping through the pages, I began to scan over the names in the M section.

MacFarlane, Author

Maryland, Sofia

Middleton, John

Monroe, Catherine. Bingo!

Picking up the phone receiver, I dialed in the number with a few words of interests up top begging to be opinionated. The best of me wanted to give her a peace of mind in the classiest way possible and then hang up leaving Scott to deal with her choice of words later on. However, if I wanted know what really happened calling her an old harlot isn’t actually starting off on the right foot.

“Hello.” The line became alive quickly after one ring.

“Hi is this Ms. Monroe?” I questioned, unsure.

“Why yes. My I ask whose is calling?”

I smirked. “Lily Hale.”

I could sense her whole demeanor change once the line became filled with thick eerie silence.

“Oh. How may I help you?” She asked, with a distaste of interest in chatting with me.

“In fact, you can help me. I’ll like to discuss it over lunch. Do you have time?”

Another greeting of silence

“I suppose you caught me at good time. I’m getting ready to leave the office now.”

Why so soon? It must be dreadful and lonely at the work office since Scott isn’t around. I definitely know what the hype of dying to get back to work is all about now. He is working alright. Monroe.

“Shall we meet around noon at the Pita Grill?”

“Sounds lovely. See you then.”

Meeting Monroe was planned ahead, however the dispute between Scott and I came off as an surprise. But it did give me a good enough excuse not to say where I actually going. After finding a desired parking space, I strolled inside the fine restaurant in search for the red head that has eyes for what’s mine.

“Hale.” I heard my name from a far distance. There Monroe stood at table for two located next to great view outdoors.

I reluctantly made way.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now