I Can't Get Enough Of You

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Justin’s Point of View

It had only made ten and we’re suppose to meet our parents down in the dining area thirty minutes ago, “Lily hurry up, we don’t have time for you to put on makeup!”

“Well excuse me for wanting to look presentable,” She stated exasperatedly, before turning back around to apply the finishing touches “And besides who idea was it to sleep on the beach?”

I pressed my lips into a thin line, before speaking through a clenched jaw, “Hey it seemed like a pretty good idea and at the time you weren’t protesting.”

“I did actually,” She replied overconfidently

Thinking back to last night which was a complete blur up until the point we were awaken by a tide coming in. I clearly remember her wanting to go back to the hotel to avoid the situation we’re in now. However, I wasn’t willing to give her the self-satisfaction of knowing she is right “Are we really going to argue about this?”

“Who said we are arguing?”

We shot each a look knowing very well two hotheads never make a right, but going against the theory it was quite obvious in a way that’s why we’re meant to be together. Of course, if we didn’t stop now we’ll never make it down before noon hits.

Must have been reading my mind or finding my expression amusing, Lily laughed.

“What?” I asked softly.

She shook her head slightly, fiddling her feet against the floor below “This just reminds me of the pointless bickers we used to have back in the mansion.”

I smiled fondly recalling to when I made it my job to run her hot. What can I say? Seeing her ticked off was all time guilty pleasure of mine and I haven’t lost that feeling one bit.

“Even though, you tried to play it off as if you didn’t love it I knew you did,” I struggled cockily, earning a small eye roll for her

“Maybe just a little,” I scrunched up her face in the cutest way possible holding up small amount of space between her index and thumb, “You were pretty irresistible.”

I gasped in a mock shocked, “were?”

“Oh did I say were, I meant still am.”

“That’s more like it,” I pulled her in causing her to stumble a little into my arms. I smiled down at her, “Still falling for me I see.”

She raised an eyebrow “As long as you’re still willing to catch me.”

“Always, baby.”

Our scene of pure bliss came to end unfortunately as the two of us raced down to elevator and swiftly out into the lobby walking a few doors down until we heard chatter and glass clacking. Almost in an instant I spotted our parents who might I add didn’t look completely bored and impatient, although I won’t speak too soon.

I grabbed Lily’s hand, guiding her through waiters, waitresses, and hotel guest finding their own seats, until we finally reached our table.

“Good morning everyone,” I spoke up first earning a surprise greeting from everyone in return.

“Morning?” Dad said, standing from his seat with his arms open wide. “That’s the first thing you say when you haven’t seen your old man in ages.”

I grin, engulfing him into a hug, “It’s been months, but way too long.” He gave me a pat on the back, eventually letting go

“Oh trust me I know,” He spoke up as I turned to Mom.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt