Cross Your Mind

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Lily’s Point of View

I groaned out in frustration as I pushed the heaps of papers plastered with wedding information up front. Pressing my forehead against the cold marble stone table, I let out a much needed breath before letting my eyes fall close. I wasn’t in the state or condition to be sorting out wedding plans yet here I was focusing myself with busy work to get my mind off of a certain factor.

Well person to be more specific. No matter what I do or how much I reminded myself that I was going to be happily married to Scott in less than two weeks. All I was doing letting what happened for a couple of minutes outshine what has been going on for years.

The scene from yesterday seemed to be stuck in my head and refuses to play another damn scenario. All I could think about the moment Justin approach me. In that moment, without anyone noticing (hopefully no wondering eyes caught on to where my lingering eyes lead to) as I took in his presences. And take my word when I say he definitely isn’t the same eighteen year old that swept me off my feet. Good old Justin Bieber is all grown up now. And he still has a way with words and certainly knows how to use them to his advantage.

Although looking isn’t a crime.

It becomes a automatic felony when you’ve had past with the person you’re scooping out in the public eye. Especially when the two of you are taken.

That brings me to my next key point. Who would of thought Justin would be the type to be tied down? Yeah yeah, I know I was more than willing to be the women he calls his own. But it’s a complicated topic and old news. And Justin’s newest news Valerie seems to be quite the looker. I’ll admit and only in my thoughts that I may have a felt a tiniest pinch of jealousy when the two of them showed up together. It was a surprised reaction, but I quickly recovered.

Of course, I’ll never let Justin know because I will not take any part in enlarging his ego. I had the urge to wipe that smirk off his face when he saw caught me staring at him and Valerie. Then I can also cuff myself for giving him the satisfaction of knowing I cared at the moment. Even now I’m close to hounding myself for even taking time out to dissect every single detail of yesterday.

“You seem to be getting a lot of work done.” Scott’s cheery voice, caused my head to fly up along with a few papers. I felt as if I was thinking out loud and he heard every single word, but judging from his tone my thoughts are sealed.

“If you call stressing out every month getting work done, then I’m doing a pretty job.” The hand I rubbed my sore neck with was replaced with Scotts firmed hands.

“Relax. You don’t see me losing any sleep or hair over anything.” Scott says, while pressing down on the tense areas of my lower back. I let out a groan of relief while making a mental note to arrange spa day later on this week.

“Well it’s not like you have much hair to lose to began with.” I joked, earning a husky laugh from Scott.

“Haha very funny.” Scott exclaimed, sarcastically before taking a sit next me. I pouted at the lost his hands that felt much needed on my back. That’s what I get for making fun. “You know we could have just hired a wedding planner to begin with. Money is never an issue.” He continued on a serious note.

I let out a huff of disagreement because it wasn’t the first time Scott suggest we should have gotten a wedding planner. Of course I have my own reasons to why I refuse to pay someone to plan my wedding. Key word my.

“We’ve already been over this.” I gave him a look that reads I didn’t feel like explaining again. My mother planned her own wedding, my grandma planned her own wedding, and down the line everyone has planned their own wedding. It only right that I keep the family tradition alive. Despite it might be a hair pulling experience, I knew I was in for it the moment I said yes to Scott’s proposal.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now