Bitter Sweet

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Lily's Point of View

I barely have the adrenaline that is coursing through my veins under control. It took all the power I possessed within not to lash out at Scott pounding him with my fist confessing every single moral that I no longer have. Or matter of fact the morals he stripped me from having. It’s his fault we have come to this point. I’m going to make sure he knows very well.

“Excuse me. I didn’t quite comprehend your statement. Where is all this coming from?” Scott inquired, unable to wrap his mind around my new found information and confidence that I held standing before him.

Question my intentions all you want but you better believe that I’m not to be toyed with. I thought deeply.

“From realization.” I began. “We’re forcing something that isn’t meant to be. What I mean by something is you and I. You may not admit it, but I will. I refuse to tie the knot with someone who has betrayed me as much as you have.” I spat, feeling of disgust poison my mood.

“Lily, when have I betrayed you? I have been nothing, but good to you and this how you repay me.” Scott scoffed, pointing to himself. “I don’t know what log you hit your head on last night, but I suggest you retrieve your memory quickly and remember whose has been good to you! And speaking of last night where the hell have you been? I‘ve been worried sick about you and you lay this news on me? I don‘t believe this!”

I looked at him not believing a single word he was saying, but of course this type of reaction is expected coming from him.

I scoffed letting a small laugh slipped from my parched throat. “Yeah being good to me is leaving me at home alone while you work late hours. Barely giving me any love or affection. The only time I get to spend with you is in the morning before you leave for work. So tell what‘s so amazing about your job.” I took a step closer, shoving him a little. “Tell me Scott. What is that gets you so caught up in your work?”

Scott narrowed his eyes into slits as if he trying his best to burn holes into my skin. “How dare you accuse of doing anything other than work related. Where are you getting this disgraceful information from?”

I shook my head in disbelief that he‘s trying to be clueless knowing very well he has been caught red handed. “Maybe you should learn to hear footsteps lingering from outside of your door before you start running your big mouth! I know everything Scott. I know about your little affair with Catherine Monroe!” My voice trembled as tears began to cloud my vision as I raised a shaky hand to my mouth.

“How could you.” I say, in a barely audible whisper.

Scott closed his eyes tight before opening them giving a sincere look. “I’m sorry Lily. It wasn’t meant to happen.” he came closer to grab a hold of me. 

I slid away from his touch. “Oh you mean that I wasn’t suppose to find out? Scott you had no intentions of telling me. You know what that’s fine.”

Hope filled Scott’s eyes as he body relaxed.

“Because It has came down this point. The bitter and certainly not sweet moment that it took me awhile figure out what I wanted. And it isn’t you. I don‘t need nor want you. Oh yeah something I failed to mention.” I began, feeling myself become fearless again as I continued to speak gracefully.

“But I will not play the innocent role. We’re both reason why are no longer an item. You aren’t the only one who has a slate that needs to be clean. For I have also engage in having affair.” There I said it. It can’t be taken back or claimed as an mistake. And I don’t want it to either. For once I’m letting my heart and right side of the brain do the talking. No matter the consequences I shall endure.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now