Know For Sure

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Justin’s Point of View

“You actually remembered I was going to call. We’re making progress.” Scooter’s voice echoed through the dark room I sat alone in. His tone made an uneasy feeling settle within me. I was aggravated and exhausted beyond belief and didn’t have the energy to put up with his nonsense.

I released my gritted teeth to reply “Only because it’s mandatory. Let's cut to the chase. What’s the plan?”

 “Come on lighten up.”

 “Lighten up?” I sneered. “I never knew bribery could be taken lightly? ”

“Bribery or blackmail. Call it like you see it, but remember I’m the one who calls the shots. If I say jump, you say how high. We’re running on my time. Therefore I can say when we get down to business. Got it?” His tone came off stern and taunting, trying his best to get into my head like many times I’ve let him do so before. I'm not afraid of Scooter for one thing, I'm afraid of what I have to lose because of him. Everything I have today traces back to him. And to think with a snap of finger, all of that could disappear. That scared me more than anything.

“Yeah.” I spoke, monotonously.

“Good. Here’s the deal. I’ve already confirmed on your twitter that you’re going to be making an guest appearance Letterman for a special announcement the following month. Hence as to where our little topic of last night plays a role. I want you to listen and I mean listen carefully.” I visualize a clear picture of Scooter approaching me slowly turning into devious monster before me. I’ve seen so many times, it’s the only perspective have of him now “Since you’ve been so M.I.A, soon as you set foot on stage they’re going to take the first chance they have to ask about what’s been going on lately and I’m going to be frank with you when I say this but they’re do not give a damn about your music because you haven’t put out anything—”

 I cut him short because I wasn’t about to give him the right to say that I’ve having been doing anything when in fact I have done everything within my will power to convince him otherwise “Sherlock Braun, you dropped me right in the middle of when I was making my album and getting ready to release my first debut single. You and I? Remember the song? Whose fault is it that I haven’t put out anything to prove I’ve been productive? Oh right, surely isn’t mine.”

“Listen up smartass, I’m trying to give you a chance to redeem yourself. I can always hit you were you live by hitting send from an anonymous email of those pictures that practically had you begging me on your hands and knees not to send to the media.”

 I fixed my mouth shut before the reply that was currently giving me a buzz lead me towards a world of trouble. I cleared my throat, letting him know I was listening.

 “As I was saying.” He trailed off, causing me to glare down at my phone out of pure annoyance and hatred. “Your music is the least of their worries, however that could easily turn around after you deny any claims that are made about Lily and you being a couple. Oh yeah.” He sucked air through his teeth, his way of letting me know his next choice of words is most likely going to set me off again. “That little song You and I. I heard it. It’s great and so much potential to be a single, but that’s only going to result into more questions and make yourself out to be a lair after denying the allegations of being with Lily. Your best bet is pick a song about your fans because you’re going to have to do some major kissing up and catching up from all the lost time. Might as well start somewhere.”

 “What’s wrong with the song Scooter? Is because it’s too personal for anyone to hear or is it because finally let everyone know the truth for once. Matter of fact the reason you can’t stand it is because you can’t handle the truth? You can’t stand knowing that’s she’s moved on while you sulk around hoping for another chance. Humph what a sad case. ”

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt