Old Habits

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Lily’s Point of View

I glanced down at my watch every now and then, feeling myself grow bitter each time a minute pass. Rehearsals were suppose take place nearly an hour ago and we have yet to begun.

All because of a certain person who shall remain unnamed had the decency not to show up or better yet call to inform us on his absence.

“Spare a few minutes. Justin should be here soon.” Scott leaned over to whisper, placing a hand on the small of my back in comfort. He must of felt the heat that was radiating off of my skin because I was very close to flipping my lid if his words didn’t become more than a theory.

“He has already been given an hour. If he doesn’t walk through that door this very instant. We will have to start without him!” I spat, using my inside voice. The last thing I wanted was for people to think Scott and I are having problems. Scott sighed and nodded. It is already tragic enough that we had to come up with several excuses to why we’re running late on schedule. I didn’t need anyone to assume we were backing out of the wedding.

Words must have more of an powerful effect than I thought because soon as my final statement was made in comes walking the problem himself, but surprisingly not alone. A tall, brunette, basically could be labeled as having the total package clinged to Justin’s arm.

I scope out the inseparable pair from a far, watching attentively as Justin whispered a small comment into her ear before placing a kiss on her cheek.

I couldn’t help, but to feel a bit eerie watching the scene. It wasn’t that envy was coursing through my veins. If anything it was curiosity that is getting the best of me.

Who was the woman he is with? A girlfriend, friend? Questions flittered through my mind, making me wonder what was her title. She couldn’t possibly be just a friend judging from the amount of affection they displayed towards one another. However, having a friend with benefits isn’t completely foreign to Justin’s nature. I of all people should know.

The little voice in the back of my head began to speak out, clearly reminding me of my place. Why should you care who Justin is dating or fooling around with? You’ve experienced what he’s capable of doing first hand. That era in your life has been permanently laid to rest and shouldn’t be dug up.

Focus on your own love life. You’re getting married in less than a month. If anything you should be relieved that Justin has found someone new. See it as a burden that has been completely lifted from your shoulders. It’s the best way to no longer deal with everyone being on your case about Justin still being in love with you or vice versa. Perhaps my inner tone did have a good point.

Maybe I should convince my outer appearance of the same, since Justin has caught me staring at the two of them multiple times. Each time I played it off as if the ground was the most interesting wonder of the world.

I mentally scolding myself for being so obvious. I didn’t want to give off the impression that I still had feelings or was the slightest bit of jealous. Yet I had the funniest way of showing it. Nice going, Lily.

“Scooter, I‘m so sorry for being late.” Justin apologized as he greeted Scott with one of those manly gestures. If you ask me it was a half ass apology, but I suppose it’s better than nothing.

“All is forgiven. No we can finally get started.” Scott says, with a breath of relief. He soon begin to wonder off and notify everyone that we can finally begin.

Justin adverted his gaze towards me with a smirk playing on his features. A smirk that read I saw you staring at me from afar but I’m not going to say anything because my look says it all. And to think those damn smirks use to make my knees go weak, but now I’m standing stronger than ever. I returned the same gesture not feeling a bit threatened by his presence.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now