Bribery At It's Finest

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Lily’s Point of View

Forcing myself out the deepest slumber, I felt all of my senses come to me at once. The far sound of a voice coaxing me to wake up and beep that repeated at a steady pace became closer. The faint smell amino and disinfectant hitting at my nose that made my head swirl and my chest burn in agony, alerting me that I was no longer in the comfort of the bed in my hotel room. I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids to only close them for a moment to adjust to the light that shined brightly. Fighting the urge to keep them rested I gathered enough strength to open them fully to see a silhouette hovering over me. Blinking a couple of times, everything became clear to me.

“Justin.” I spoke in a low raspy voice realizing it was him. I squinted slightly due to the scratchy feeling hitting at the back of my throat. My eyes neglected him momentarily to examine the unfamiliar settings from the hospital gown to IV machine I was currently hooked up to. Peering down at my wrists that were covered in wristbands with my full name and New York Downtown Hospital printed on them. Confusion isn’t even the word to describe how I’m currently feeling besides the pain that’s shooting through me every waking moment. My gaze fell back onto Justin as a plead for an explanation as to how.

A pained smile spread across his lips as stood closer looking at me as if it was the first time he ever laid eyes on. He gently swipe away the loose hair that fell. “Lily…” He trailed off in utter disbelief. “Let me get the doctor.”

“W-wait.” I was unable to speak properly so I reached out to him. I had so many questions and I didn’t need an audience to accompany us. Justin stopped dead in his tracking catching on quickly he grabbed the tan colored pitcher and poured me a glass of water. Propping up in bed, he adjusted the straw to meet my needs. I sipped urgently savoring the feel of the cool liquid rushing down. I parted from the straw and laid back for in silence before parted my lips testing my ability to speak “What happened?”

Justin sighed sitting in the seat by my bedside and taking my hand into his out of concern. “I have no idea. I was hoping the doctor or perhaps you could even give me a better understanding.”

I retraced my steps of all the events that occurred the day prior. I vaguely remember what happened after Justin hung up on me. “I don’t know.” I said truthfully, feeling rather down that I couldn’t give him the resourceful information he hoped for. “I remember feeling overwhelmed with guilt over the incident with Scott when I told you. After you hung up and knowing there was no way to get through to you and change your mind, I decided to end my night with a glass of wine. That suddenly turned into several. I just wanted to forget about the stress that has been piling on lately. I had no intentions of harming myself. ”

I peered down out of ashamed. I had no idea what I was thinking, clearly I wasn’t thinking. Taking a look at Justin who had his face buried in his hands clearly exhausted and stressed.

“Say something. Anything. Yell at me. Call me dumb or stupid. Anything, but the distance and the silence was the last thing I could handle especially now.”

Justin stifled a laugh, taking a small breath slouching back in his chair “You don’t get it Lily. You don’t get how I felt when I saw you lying there in the mind frame of thinking that you’re just resting when you could barely breathe. Within that moment I felt like I lost what keep me sane and breaking down from everything that’s going on. I know I always preach not to worry about anything but I’m the biggest hypocrite because in the back of my mind I’m always questioning the different possibilities of what ifs."

"I know my anger gets the best of me from time to time, but that’s only my of keeping myself from whining or coming off as soft. I know that solution isn’t healthy because I’m bringing you down and that’s the last thing I ever want to do.” His face hard as stone and his words hit home. I took in his words choosing to be the one listening end instead of the delivering. Within this moment I’ve come to learn there was a lot Justin had bottled up and the hard persona he puts on is just a front. He’s just as worried as I am. Knowing that much, made feel a lot better and knowing as one we can overcome any obstacle together.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora