Twist and Turns

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Lily’s Point of View

Trying my best to seemed unfazed by the intense gaze Scott and Monroe had me under, I manage to move my mouth before my body could react the same.

“About what?” I questioned, knowing very well there are many twist and turns this whole conversation could take.

Scott opened his mouth, but Monroe raised an hand.

Some nerve she has and the fact he listened isn‘t sitting quite well with me.

“Actually I was wondering if Lily and I could talk alone.” .Monroe pitched in, turning her attention to me. Obviously giving a perfectly clear view of her face that no longer had any traces of a crimson blotch that I took pride in placing on her left cheek.

“Very well.” Scott nodded, exchanging look of suspense between the two of us before making an exit towards upstairs.

I mentally scoffed while rolling my eyes. If anything I’m the one who should be implying something is going between the two of them. I inwardly give myself the right to point a finger. It wasn’t an hour ago, that I was at lunch with harpy women. Either Monroe is hell on wheels or she came here with the motive tell Scott what I had done. Or worst what she assumed I’ve done with Justin.

I felt a wave wash over me, I would have much rather it been relief. It’s a mixture of nervousness, anger, and fear coursing through my veins.

She couldn’t have told Scott.

Scott presence is under a calm nature, he would have went ballistic and God only knows what would have happened once I set foot in the door. Suddenly all the confidence I built up from Justin’s apartment to the car ride here has been overshadowed with fear.

Monroe cleared her throat breaking the inner connection I’m having with my thoughts.

I looked up, surely knowing that my features lacked to hide the emotions I’m feeling.

Monroe laughed shaking her head.

The intense hatred I felt for her started to sulk its way beneath my skin. “Enlighten me on what‘s on the joke. I didn‘t seem to catch on.” Old bitch. I kept it sweet and short.

Once again shaking her red head that is full of Shirley Temple locks. “Oh but I did.”

“Look at you.” She waved a hand up and down.

“You’re practically shaken with the scenarios that are playing up top. It’s as if I’m hitting you without using my hand.” She quipped, feeling proud of her own pun. Count your blessing Monroe because the things I’d to do to be able to hit you right now did not seem outrageous.

I sighed growing bored with the topic. It couldn’t have been anymore obvious that she came for an encore what happened earlier. Slinging my arms across my chest, I exhaustedly stated. “Can we get on with this conversation. I have things to do.”

“Why? I’m just getting started.” Monroe stated teasingly.

“Oh and you should start being nicer to me. After all I could have spill the beans on the little stunt you pulled today and most of all how you spend your free time doing Justin. That is the thing you have to do. Am I right?” She added on.

I tucked in my bottom lips fighting the feisty comebacks that were begging to be said.

I stare at Monroe long and hard hoping she would break from my intense gaze. Although I refuse to say out loud. A part of me is grateful that she didn’t come running here to tell Scott any information, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss the ground she walks on.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now