The Risks We Take

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Justin’s Point of View

I may have played the look of a fool, but there was no way his words were actually affiliating with the way I feel about Lily. I’m not saying I would throw everything I’ve done to build my career up to this point away for love, but love does make you do crazy things. I fought so hard to make Lily mine just for it slip from my touch. I couldn’t allow that. So the question is which one is it going to be?

“I refuse to pick.” I simply said taking him by surprise. I continued on not giving him a chance to talk. “You have a lot of nerve. I maybe a kid underneath of you, but I’m sure in the hell old enough to make my own decisions. My career and Lily mean the world to me. Leaving one for the other would unbalance everything. I need balance within my life.” I need my music. I need her.

Scooter sighs obviously disappointed with my choice of answer. Well tough, he’s just going to have to deal. “Are you sure.” He questioned slowly. I rolled my eyes and then nodded.

“Well with that being said, I can no longer associate with you. Your behavior lately is putting a great strain on your image and as I mentioned before my own. I didn’t want it to come to this point. I’m afraid it has already.”

“What are you trying to say?” I barely spoke above a whisper trying to process what I was being told. It was as if everything was hitting me at once and I had no idea how respond. 

“I’m saying I’m no longer your manager. You’re no longer apart of my management. I dropped you. I quit. Is that self explanatory enough for you? Or shall I break out flashcards?” Scooter blankly replied, without a single hint of remorse. I stood there in complete silence feeling myself become corrupted with angry. I sent the chair I once sat in sailing across the room not caring about the particular damaged I was inflicting on the hotel’s property. Mr. big shot could just pay it off for all I care.

“That’s bullshit!” I sneered loudly as my voice echoed throughout the room. “I-I don’t understand.” I was so upset that my voice was trembling and preventing me to make coherent sentences. “First you go MLK on me about how we have a dream and worked so hard together to keep everything we have achieved alive and now you’re kicking me to curb without a valid explanation. What’s up man? Tell me you’re joking right now!”

Scooter glanced up at me without a single feature that gave off he was joking. I gulped, feeling myself become overwhelmed with fear, anger, and every other emotion that could take a toll on one. “I was looking for a crew and cameras to come out the middle of nowhere telling me it was all one big ploy when you and Lily announced this so called arranged the two of you have. As we both know. That never happened. However, this is not a laughing matter. I’m dead serious.”

I was the one laughing now out spite for the hatred I felt towards him right. “That’s what this is all about again? Lily? Huh? I should have known. Every time we talk somehow we end up on this same page. But newsflash Scooter, dropping me isn’t going to make her yours again. If anything you’re pushing yourself away from her and making her despise you more.” I shook my head. “You’re taking away the one thing that means everything to me.”

“You’re being overdramatic. I didn’t strip you away from your talent. You can easily find a new management but I see why you’re so devastated. One that shall put so much time and effort into shaping you to being the success you are today. I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t see the name Justin Bieber from a month now. But hey look on the bright side if you get stuck with guy for a new manager there’s a great chance you can seduce his girlfriend, wife, or fiancé into becoming yours.” Scooter smiled, taking great joy in seeing me so broken and lost. I knew, he wouldn’t have let me off easy. The risk I was taking every time I touch, kissed, muttered the words I love you to Lily were always in the back of my mind. Always taken lightly because I never thought I’d have to see a day like this. I basically poured fuel and ignited the flames on my own career.

I'm All Yours {Book #2 Lilly & Justin Series} *Justin Bieber Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now