Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


I should tattoo moron on my forehead. I mean I don't know what's wrong with me really, other than the fact that I'm a lost cause. I don't ever want to come out of this cubby. In fact, I don't ever want to show my face again. I could live with faking my own death and moving to Venezuela to start my life over again.

I deliberately told myself that I wasn't going to give Jordan the satisfaction of messing with me, and what do I do? Sound like a freaking desperate whale when he kisses me.

I mean it wouldn't be so bad if he had kissed me because he wanted to.  My mortification would be significantly less if that was the case. But he kissed me because he saw someone coming, which turned out to be a seven year old boy and his mother, but still. I mean it's all for publicity, and I completely let my guard down.

It's just so easy with him. I'm opening up about my childhood before I can even stop myself, and that's dangerous. He makes it seem so real, that he's even had me fooled for a second in thinking that he actually cared about me.

I can't trust a thing he says. Who knows, Jordan could've made the whole "saving people" thing up just to get attention, but somewhere in me knew that that wasn't right. Jordan might be a player, but he's got some good in his heart. I've seen him be cruel and scary even, but I still believe that somewhere in him is a kind, sweet guy.

And that's part of the reason why I wanted to punch myself in the face. No matter what this kid does, I still can't help myself. I'm pretty sure cupid didn't mean for love to be this complicated, and it wouldn't be if I could just get rid of these darn feelings.

So as I buried myself deeper in my cot, I realized that I needed to grow a pair and learn to hide it. Just until this dreaded tour is over. Then I can dash of into the sunset and finally feel free from this.

Someone rapidly slid the privacy curtain that was covering my cot to the side. I could practically feel the sun sizzling my corneas from the intense light pouring into my dungeon.

"Ow, my eyes! It burns." I wailed. I saw Charlie's fiery red hair glowing in the day light, and Joey's figure standing beside her.

"Rise and shine loser. If you stay in here any longer you'll shrivel up into a prune. Come, get some vitamin c!" Charlie said cheerfully.

She was happy. Too happy.

I would have to sniff that one out later but it was too early to think about it. I groaned in protest.

"We have breakfast burrito's fresh from the biggest gas station in Utah." She said in a sing-song voice. I felt my stomach rumble and immediately shot out of my bed, sliding past them to snag one of the pockets of heaven off of the couch. Karma was singing a folk song along side along side Gilbert in the passengers seat, bringing a smile to my face.

That smile was obliterated once I saw Jordan sitting on the sofa snacking away on a burrito. I almost threw up at the sight of him. Not because he looked disgusting, but because he looked repulsively handsome in the morning and it made me sick.

"Good morning Sammy, sleep well?" He said in a smug tone. I wanted to smack him really hard with the burrito I clutched in my hands.

"I slept perfectly fine for your information." I snapped. I whipped around and collided with just another person I didn't want to see this morning. The bottle-brain princess, Angelina.

"Might want to put down that burrito, looking a little hefty these days." She growled.

"Might want to put down the needle, one more injection to your lips and I think they might pop." I said sassily. I unwrapped my burrito from the foil and took big bite in front of her before walking off. I heard her mumble something under her breath, but I didn't even bother listening.

Charlie and Joey looked like proud parents, both of them wiping fake tears. I rolled my eyes at them and lead the way to the lounge room where we usually hung out away from the others.

I twisted the door handle quickly, eager to get out of the room with the she-devil and her henchman. The door flew open to reveal Megan and Maxwell making out on top of each other on the mini couch. I felt an instant sensation of disgust and horror wash over me.

"Oh dear God!" Joey screamed. Megan's head snapped up and she looked like she could crawl into a whole right there.

"I-I can't see! I think I've gone blind!" Charlie yells and smacks her hands over her eyes dramatically.

They two scrambled off of each other in a split second and Maxwell quickly adjusted his hair. Megan straightened her pencil skirt and barked, "Learn how to knock you incompetent fools!"

With my hand still gripped around the doorknob, I hastily slammed the door shut and leaned against it. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. The most uptight and strict woman I had ever encountered, and the most flamboyant and unbelievably cheerful man I had ever met were together.

Like, together together.

And most unlikely couple of the year award goes to...

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