Chapter 15

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POV: Dara, of the Wolfwings

It has been two days since Snow had told her that she believes that she has foresight. However, the little wolf had not said anything else and had been quiet.

The sun was setting as Dara retreated to her tent.

It has been two days since Snow refused to sleep.

*' I think I got foresight.'* Those words echo through Wolfwing's mind as the breeze coming into her tent had a chill to it. *I wondered when she is going to speak.* Dara wondered as she flopped onto her mat.

It acted as a bed that had four pillows and two blankets. Dara turned her head right where Snow usually sleeps. The Princess had given the extra blanket and pillows to the Angel.

The tent felt empty without the wolf with wings.

At first, it was crowded as it was small and fit only one. The desk that was always set up, was now in someone's else tent. The scrolls that she bought were usually neatly in a corner and had been scattered throughout her tent.

Everything that made Dara upset when Snow first came, now felt wrong that it was not occurring. In anger, the Wolfwing grabbed the pile of scrolls and tossed them around the tent. Snow would always put the back by morning.

The Wolfwing hung her head as her tail lay on the ground. The Princess never felt this lonely before. Well, whenever Grove and she got mad at each other. The two would fight it out to settle things. Dara's sisters would talk out their problems, and Sami does the same thing.

"I want to give her space, but this is killing me!" Dara growled as she spun around to see Grove's face poking through the tent.

"We just have to wait until she is ready," Grove said as he stayed outside the tent. The soldier remained outside for two reasons; rules and that he was far too big.

Dara nodded, but she could not shake the feeling that something was not right with the lovable Angel. "I know, but it does not make it any easier."

Grove laughed. "Not everyone fights or talks out their problems." The Mudwing replied, holding the flap open for Dara. One of the moons was raising in the sky as the air started to become colder. "However, I do think she is ready to talk."

"Why do you think that?" Dara asked as her friend guided her to the firepit.

Dara spotted the white wolf with her wings drooping by the campfire. Zagi was sitting across from her trying his best to entertain her. The rain/sky hybrid was trying to make the fire bigger, or maybe it was changing color. Either way, he was not doing a good job as Dara and Grove sat on either side of the Angel.

Snow had the same facial expression as Sami when she was upset. It reminded it of her, and the Wolfwing wanted to hug the Angel more. The white wolf did not even react when the pair sat down.

"I give up," Zagi said as he threw his talons down to the ground. "This always works back home, but I can't even get her to look at me. She just stares at the fire."

Grove looked at the black dragon and nodded. However, the looked he gave Snow was different somehow. The Mudwing had crushes in his life, but typically none of the other females wanted him. Dara wondered if it was because he had no fur and fire, but it might boil down to that Grove acting differently and having no status. Grove would become shy whenever he talks to someone he likes. This is the first time that he speaks to a crush without going silent. There was also the status issue that his parents were considered high-level status but low at the same time.

There was one dragon that did like the Mudwing for himself and did not care for status or tribes. Samu always came up with the excuse to hang out with Grove. It was not much trouble as his twin sister, Sami would hang out with the two.

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