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hello to my dear readers!! i just wanted to say that this whole chapter was actually a big phat fail and I'm re-writing it, it accidentally doubled and its also really confusing, I'm literally writing using a fcking TV, that's why, the keyboard is also really annoying and its not letting me click this shit, i don't know if its just my hand or its the keyboard but whatever.                                
stay tuned readers, hope your enjoying my story. <3

Your P.O.V 

i hung up throwing my phone on the other side of the room as hard as i could, thankfully, i had samsung not iphone so it didnt break THAT fast. [dw i have both samsung and iphone *wink*] not long after, i heard the doorbell ringing so i went over to the door to see who it was.

i peeked through the peeking hole to see who it was and i saw a girl with long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail, her bangs sticking out. not gonna lie but i thought she was ni-ki with a wig. ah yes, a girl version of ni-ki. i didn't want to keep her waiting so i opened the door revealing the girl who was about to ring the doorbell once again but i stopped her by opening the door and flashing a small smile at her. 

"hello, um, are you his girlfriend?" i was kin of taken back from her weird question... oh wait i live at his house, "oh no no no no, we're just good friends and i kind of um- dont have anywhere to go currently so im living at his house. heh..." i replied shyly waving my hand gesturing that im disagreeing, i invited the girl in and she went over to the couch. "ni-ki told me someone was home so i thought of his other friends who's mostly with him or here but i never thought that it'd be a girl, oh- uh- what's your name?" she turned to me, "mi- Y/N. Y/N Park." i smiled, man i almost lied. "i'm konon. konon nishimura." she smiled widely from ear to ear taking her hand out and offering me to shake it. i shook it and smiled at her more than i already was.

not long after, the door swung open revealing an overly tired and panting sunoo breaking the instensely akward silence, he slammed the door shut and gasped from more air,  "what happened? why are you so tired?" i asked, "well maybe because the guy who attacked us in the street is back and its much worse this time because he has a fucking grenade!" he yelled and sat next to me in frustration. "okay can you tell me what the hell happened?" i requested, "oh you see here princess, i just got fucking kidnapped by him but he just left me in the basement without checking my pockets because he wants to torture me infront of you so that you regret what you did! i just escaped out of the daned basement because i had a paperclip inside me pocket!" he explained, "i thought he was i jail, did someone bail him out? did he escape? did he get shorter time in prison or was he just never in prison? explain." i requested with dullness. "well i heard some friend of his managed to hack his bank account and bail him out using his own money, they're literally fucking targeting you dumbass. he said he wanted to get revenge because you humiliated him infront of his little gang and now he's not the leader anymore nor is he even part of it." he exclaimed without looking at me. does he hate me? 

we started to hear banging on the door which kind of cause the two to flinch a little by the really loud sounds that were caming from the door, i just sat there and stared at the wooden door, "OPEN UP YOU BITCH! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! IF YOU DOUND OPEN THIS I'LL BLOW YOUR WHOLE APARTMENT UP!" he laughed maniacally which kind of made me cringe.  [along with the writer.] 

i went over to the door but when i was about to open it, sunoo gripped my wrist harder than ever, "DON'T GO OUT, ITS DANGEROUS! I TOLD YOU HE HAS A GRENADE!" he shout-whispered. i backed off grabbing sunoo's wrist and konon's wrist aswell and locking them in my room before gripping my precious beloved bat and bringing it outside with me leaving the two inside while they bang on the door along with the man outside. my stubborn personality wouldn't work on sunoo's requests. it doesn't fit me if i follow his orders. that wouldn't be me. "i see your out of prison." i talked loudly yet seductively behind the hard wooden door. "i'LL KILL YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT! JUST YOU WAIT!" he laughed again maniacally, "do ypou think you sound cool? well if you do then im cringing." i mocked. "IF YOU AIM ON MOCKING ME THEN COME OUT BITCH!" oh im gonna murder this fucker. "sure thing."

i opened the door while slowly leaning on the door frame while i cross my legs and smirk. "long time no see... sir." i smirked widely.  "where the fuck is my guns?!" he asked while slowly walking towards me, probably trying to scare me, though, i didn't move an inch, i showed no sign of fear. i had to look up when he was closer to me cause that asshole is a good bit taller than me. "your guns... hm..." i lifted my shoulder and my palms, "i dont know." i shrugged. "you know, i know you have it, so if you aren't gonna give it back, then i might as well kill your right here right now." he threatened while grabbing me by the neck while i just stood there doing nothing. i looked over to his pocket and noticed something sticking out, it was a black handle and it was barely stuck in the pocket and almost falling off, i knew immedietly what it was. 

i waited till he did a diffrent move because there was no way that i'd die with this technique, like bro, his hands are shitty weak. "bro are you seriously like- not gonna stop? i mean, as you can see, i'm not dying." i said while staring at him with a dull and bored face. he didn't stop with his useless choking and i just got so bored to the point that i wanted to start bullying him. "you're so weak." he loosened his grip, "what did you say?" he glared, "your weak. weak and naive." he punched me, straight in the face. wow, even his moves are pathetic. "what's a punch gonna do? kill me?" i bursted out laughing at what he'd done, " PLEASE HAHHAHAH" i continued to laugh as i noticed the man staring at me with sadness, dull, mad eyes. "pff- wh- HAHAHH- wha-t are you st-AHAH staring at?" i blurted, "naive and weak?" he stared, "he punched me, sending me to the ground. "what the-" he punched me again, now sitting on top of me sending punches continuesly, it kinda hurted so i grabbed the shiny sharp object with the black handle in his pocket and stabbed him aiming straight for his right arm, he fell back and grunted in pain, "i know your in love with me but dont stare at me like that. also, thanks for always donating your weapons to me, sir." i said while standing up and wiping the blood off my nose. "your an ugly cunt and no one will ever love you."

your an ugly cunt and no one will ever love you. your an ugly cunt and no one will ever love you. your an ugly cunt and no one will ever love you. your an ugly cunt and no one will ever love you.

"ew! we can't be friends with her! she's a monster! not ever her own bestfriend invited her on playing volleyball with he because he wanted to play with other people!" one of the girl snickered, "i mean, she's so gloomy around everyone and she's weird and annoying too. no wonder why her bestfriend uses her for homework." another spoke, "what...?" i came out of the corner, "you can't be friends with us." one of the girls crosed her arms. "my bestfriend isn't using me!" i yelled, tears starting to fall from my eyes. "oh then ask him yourself, he even shares your answers with us." she rolled her eyes. "how dare you say that!" i said walking towards her and was about to slap her but someone grabbed my wrist, i turned around to see who it was, it was my bestfriend. "ray..." i muttered, more tears starting to fall from my eyes, "enough already! yes, im using you and i never wanted to be your friend, i slapped him. "ugh! your ugly and no one will ever love you!"

those sentences... those sentences made me lift the bat and hit the man who was sitting down on the floor and was in agony and pain fall unconsious losing grip in his precious arm. i was only eight years old when i heard those words from the students who was in that wicked school. it made me run homeas fast as i could even though it was far. after that i just went inside my room and locked it. i then crumpled up somewhere and started to cry my eyes out.

after that incident, my naive, childish behavior turned into an intelligent, careless, and sarcatic behaviour. it made my parents furious, while my little sister, misun, somewhat liked that behaviour, now she's just like me. that time i didn't care about my looks unless someone pointe it out. and it got pointed out every single day.


words; 1,685

date; 02.15.22

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