thirty two

22 0 1

Your P.O.V -

there's only eight days till my birthday, i wonder if anyone remembers, oh, only my friends and relatives know my birthday, i barely ever have friends, bruh.

its currently 08:00 in the morning right now, i haven't eaten anything, i also haven't had contact with the boys for quite a while now but i've been watching them on weverse and everything is just so tense, riki even got eliminated a couple times and for some reason sunoo is nice, Jake also couldn't perform well in their first performance because his mic fell, but he stayed in i-land, the rest were just the same as them, making mistakes but also getting better because of their mistakes.

as they say, you get better when you learn from your mistakes.

I've been bored all those months in riki's apartment and I've found out why konon had low blood pressure, she was discriminated by some ugly girls and got called fat so her being heart-taking girl she is, she decided to get it locked up in her mind, we've went to some random therapist that I found online, she started to become healthy and energetic again and I gave her some advice to get some friends and advice about self esteem, etc.

I got a notification from my phone and saw a girl who's blonde, girly looking, and familiar, she looks like sunoo's beloved girlfriend. 

I decided to stalk her account for a bit, still wondering how she found me on the internet and why she followed me, I mean not anything can have a reason right, so let's just say that my account probably popped up in her recommended.

I decided to just follow her back since she's my friend's sister, honestly, we've been getting really close since we dyed our hair, but everytime she hangs out with me, the more she wears oversized clothes, I didn't really think much about it, that's her body, her life, not mine. 

her sister messaged me and I was surprised to say what she said, i immediately rushed to the address she sent to me, I found it quite suspicious but I feel like this one isn't a scam. 


:hey, are you soyeon's friend?

yes, why?:

:she's has to go the hospital, she told me before that you were her closest friend, she also told me alot about you before and told me you had a car, can you pls pick as up at a******? she really has to go to the hospital.

                  okay, omw:


she has to be rushed to the hospital, why? what's a reason  for her to be at the hospital? I'm getting worried, and anxious, I have a bad feeling about this, a really really bad one. 

I decided to just not change and wear a simple sweater that was laying on the couch, it was konon's, but we borrow each other's clothes all the time even without our permission so I didn't really care, I put on my shoes that was given by jungwon cause it doesn't fit him anymore but he didn't want to throw it away, I grabbed the car keys and rushed outside.

I didn't have to tell konon that I'd be going out since she's out with the new friends she now has, I ran straight to Jay's car and drive to the address.

once I arrived at the address, I realized that it was an apartment building, I asked her which floor she was in but there was no response, I got even more anxious at this, I decided to just find her on my own.

when I arrived at the fifth floor, that's when I saw soyeon, she was laying down Infront of a door, her sister wasn't there, but she was just there, unconscious, laying down on the cold floor. I carried her on the way to Jay's car, for some reason, there wasn't that much people in the building even though almost the whole place was rented.

I managed to carry her without us falling down, but she was only half awake, when I layed her down on the backseat, I sat with her there, I started slightly tapping in her, trying to wake her up but that wasn't going to work, I stopped trying and tried to find out why she collapsed, her face was flushed, she looked like she cried alot, her face also had some small cuts in them, in her cheek and her lip, what the hell happened...

I lifted her shirt up to maybe know if she was stabbed but what I found was even more traumatizing, there was bruises all over her body, I lifted her sleeves, there was more, and even her legs, this alerted me, I tried to wake her up now, it worked. 

"Yeon, can you hear me? what happened? are you okay? did someone hurt you?" I bombed her with questions once she woke up, "where's rui?" she tried to sit up, and she successfully did because of my help, "rui?" I asked, "my sister, oh no.. where is she?" she now started to look panicked, she looks like she'll burst now, "we'll find her later after you get medicated okay?" but I'm even more panicked. "no! you don't know what happened!" she yelled, "then explain!" I argued, "m-my parents abused me after finding out that I like girls, my mom has a new boyfriend and he- he..." she stammered, "he what?" I suddenly changed my mood, "he touches me." she cried and hugged me, buried her head into my shoulder. "what happened to you...?" I hugged her back, giving her at least the most comfort I give, "my mom, she hit me, multiple times, I also found out that she's been abusing my sister ever since, but my sister never told me, I thought that even though my mom was rude, she wouldn't hurt me, earlier she hit me with a really big and heavy metal thing that she used to use as display at home, and started hitting me continuously, then that's when I found out that my sister was being abused, she got on her knees while I'm circled up on the floor, still protecting myself, she started begging for my mom to stop hurting her because she's tired, she said she'll find a rich guy for him so we earn money, and then when we got out of the house, I was extremely beaten up but I was still worried for my sister so I couldn't really feel the pain, I asked her if she was actually getting abused and said that she'd been getting abused since elementary, when she started to like to play sports." she cried out, I was in absolute shock, I was furious, I knew how rude her mom was because she would often rant to me about what's happening in her life and most of them is because of her mom, but I never really thought that her mom would do this, what kind of human being has the heart to do this? I don't even think she's human, that girl is a demon.

"hey, let's stop hugging okay? I'm going to drive you to the hospital, then after I do, I'll find her, okay?" she just nodded in response and I got out of the backseat, went to the front, and started driving at the hospital.

A/N: hey y'all's, I've been gone for how many days now? two months. yeppers you heard that right! two months, I deleted my jw that I told you about, but anyway, I really missed writing and also, to the people who started reading this before the date June 25, I'm changing this fanfic into a heavy angst au, I wanna have a sad ending 😋😋

words: 1,303

date: 06.25.22​​​​


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