thirty four

24 1 1

Your POV

ENHYPEN released their debut song called 'Given-Taken', i listened to it alot, i even added it to my spotify playlist, it didn't really take long for them to become famous, they were already known by some of my new friends, fake relatives and others i know. the girls at school often try to bully me for it calling me names such as 'pick me girl' or even 'slut', i mean, its not like its true so why should i get affected? that COVID-19 virus whatever is getting in my way too, everywhere, the security is strict, social distancing, you cant enter any kind of restaurant without a vaccination card and some of my favorite restaurants and food courts even closed down.

i'm currently still living in riki's apartment after what happened but its been really awkward between me, konon, and him. my parents have been sending me food, clothes and other things as an apology, but i still have to think about it, of course i forgive them, i just cant talk to them now, its been hard for me especially since i believed my whole life that my parents were the ones who put me i the orphanage but no, its pretty hard for me to accept it because since i grew up with them, i have great closure with them and my 'sister' honestly, i found it cool that even though they weren't my real family, i looked like them.

since my parents are riki and konon's parents it means that we're siblings, i stand out, i don't even look like them, people might mistaken that i'm adopted, or a friend of my sister, or even a babysitter???? oh my gosh please no.

"hey sis... can i talk to you?" konon knocked at my door, at this point, she's already so comfortable in calling me 'sis'. "hold on a second, is it important?" i asked while putting on a shirt because i was only wearing a sports bra, "kind of? i guess." hold on." i opened the door to see my parents also with her, why now?

third person POV.

"hey." y/n looks at them with no sign of any kind of emotion, "we were wondering if you would go out with us tonight? have family time at the amusement park maybe?" her dad asked, "why?" she asked, not wanting to go, "to start again."

"sola, stay with me, don't go anywhere there's a lot of people" y/n spoke to her 10 year old little sister, y/n's parents left sola to her to buy some food and her sister konon and her brother riki went somewhere she didn't know where, but she couldn't lie, she's actually having fun. "do you want anything?" y/n asks while looking down at her younger sister, "i don't really want anything, i just want them to be back here because i'm really hungry." the younger girl yawned, "yeah, me too." y/n groaned, they ended up waiting for a long time while sitting at some random bench while chatting about random things about each other, y/n and sola already clicked with each other when they saw one another, they had a lot of similarities such as, favorite movies-series, music taste, instruments that they could play, and also their talents, its like their whole family is full of famous and talented people, unlike y/n, she was part of the family but wasn't known, even though she was kind of different from them spite that she grew up in a different family, she had no intention of becoming popular, she hated too much attention.

riki, konon, and y/n and sola's mom and dad came back with food and other beverages, sola and y/n didn't say anything and started to eat before their dad could even take the food out of the container, they were just straight up hungry at this point, the family ended up chatting and having fun at some point, y/n was also finally comfortable with them, but she was still kind of upset because of the whole situation, it didn't matter to her anymore though, she tried not to think too much about it and just have fun, she also told them to not even dare to bring it up because they might end up having an arguement so they all just followed her orders and just went with the flow so its was all good.

at the end of their little reunion, y/n ended up staying into her parents house, with konon, riki and sola, riki got the permission to take a break just for a day and they thankfully let him, y/n and her family chatted after her and and her siblings played videogames, no one knew that it was already 02:34 AM until y/n pointed it out, no one really cared thoguh and y/n even offered for them all to take a walk at this time of the night, they all agreed with her and sola really wanted to go even though she was really sleepy, they told y/n the family running a dance studio in japan, she found it quite entertaining but it wasn't a surprise to the girl spite y/n's uncle being ridiculously rich and owning a whole big company all around the world, she still missed her cousin though, misun, she still couldn't figure out why they were korean and her family was japanese, though.

y/n, riki, and konon ended up sleeping at four in the morning from the talking they had, but they were all cuddled up in one bed in the end.

Your POV:

the next morning, riki was already gone and sola and konon were still asleep, along with my parents and i really wanted to eat, so i just ordered food because i couldn't be bothered to cook, and i felt hungry to the point where i couldn't even bring myself to stand up, i didn't want to wake my family up though, they're probably still super tired because of last night.

A/N: any tips on getting motivated? i feel so unmotivated rn

date: sure/j 07.14.22

words: 1,048

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