forty one

24 0 0

sunoo's pov

"y/n, are you feeling better now?" i said as I watch her eat in the kitchen by herself, "yes, thank you." she thanked me, continuing to eat. "thank me for what?" I asked in confusion, "you were the one who took care of me — of course." 

"i promised you we'd go to han river when you feel better right?" I smiled, I saw her look at me, eyes glistening in joy, "not now though, you just got out of a fever, you might get sick again." I giggled, she just pouted and kept on chewing on her food, I smiled a little at this. gosh! I can't help it, she's just so cute. 

that was our last conversation before going to the living room to watch random movies.

"are you hungry? do you want anything? food, drinks?" I continuesly asked, removing my arm that was hooked on her shoulder, "ice cream!" she happily replied, "what flavour?" I asked, "mint choco." she smiled in excitement, "you like mint choco too?" — she nodded, "thank gosh, I never knew that you liked mint choco, non of the members like mint choco." I exhaled, "well now you're not alone, I'm a mint choco lover!" she laughs, "well should I buy one then? a whole tub." I smirked at her, "can I go too?" she asked, I hummed, "okay, don't move too much though, I'm gonna remind you again, you just got out of a ridiculously high fever." she nodded rapidly, actually, violently? does she want to go that bad? okay then.

"let's go then." — "I have to go to the bathroom first." she exclaimed and ran to the bathroom, "hey! I told you not to move too much!" — "sorry! I got excited!" she yelled back at me from inside the bathroom. I chuckled at this.

everything that she does is so cute these days, she's getting cuter than me, not fair.

"let's go, wear a face mask." i ordered, she nodded — "I don't have face mask though, do you have a spare?" she asked, I handed her a black facemask, I forgot that this was our dorm and not hers, damn.

did she stay here for that long that I'm starting to think that this dorm is hers? for as far as I can remember I think she's only been here for three days.

we reached Jay's car, it was the only car here since the other members cars were being used, where the hell did they even go?

we went to some grocery store to buy the ice cream she wanted, and of course, i — myself, wanted.

"maybe we should get other food too, or drinks?" I suggested, "sure, i can't really think of a certain something so you can pick my drink for me, all i know right now is that i'm craving for mint chocolate ice cream." she shrugged while i nodded in response.

we arrived at the place, it was colder than usual today, probably because december is coming. 

i went in by myself, telling her to wait in the car and wait for me, surprisingly, there was only one tub of mint choco ice cream left, i thought people didn't like mint choco flavour?

i walked down the isle of various drinks, i don't know what kind of drink she likes but i'll just get a random one that i think she'll like. i saw her drink some banana milk drink when we were hanging out with txt sunbaenim, maybe i should get her something that's milk? i'll just get us a whole two boxes of strawberry milk, i just hope she likes strawberry milk.

while standing behind the long line of people leading to the cashier, i noticed a familiar face on the cashier near me, i haven't seen him for so long. maybe i should talk to him later.

after paying, i went straight outside of the grocery but i didn't go straight to y/n, i waited for him to finish paying so that i could talk to him. 

"hey! hold on a second!" i yelled catching up to the slightly taller guy, "oh, sunoo! wow i haven't seen you in so long! you look so grown up now, heard you became an idol?" he walks up to me, "oh stop acting like a grandpa, you're only three years older than me, and yes i did become an idol." i explained. "must be hard, do you have a girlfriend already?" he suddenly asks, "a girlfriend? don't be silly sunbae, we're not allowed to date, we're idols." — "what?! i can't live without dating anyone, it would feel too lonely." he dramatically placed his hand on his head. "of course you're gonna feel lonely, you're a fuck boy sunbae." i teased, "what did you call me? i can't disagree though." he sighed, "and you're proud? i would be ashamed." i playfully rolled my eyes, "okay but in serious circumstances, do you like anyone by any chance?" — "its just a happy crush though, not like - like. its my band mate, i developed my feelings for her this week, we've just been hanging out recently, that's it." i explained, i can't believe i'm actually telling him this. "well, where is she now? and what do you like about her?" he asked, what do i tell him? why do i even like her in the first place?

"she's actually in the car at the parking lot right now, i promised her that I would take her to han river if she recovered from her fever — and she did so here I am." – also, I have absolutely no idea on why I like her." I explained.

"has she done any nice things to you? like does she care for you or compliment you constantly?" he asked, "not really, please help me, I don't know what I'm feeling."


a/n; hi everyone, I will be rewriting some of the past chapters because most of them either has wrong spelling or grammar and most of it also has really bad writing, you can reread it of you want.

words: 1,030

date: 08.06.22

Euphoria | Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN SERIES)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora